Annie2014 发表于 2015-2-4 17:11


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-2-4 17:13 编辑

【中文标题】联想对其智能手机销量和利润预测【原文标题】Lenovo profit beats forecasts thanks to smartphone sales【更新时间】3 February 2015 Last updated at 01:39【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Lenovo has seen rapid growth in emergingmarkets联想已经看到快速增长的新兴市场 Technologygroup Lenovo has posted a better-than-expected profit after sales in itssmartphone division more than doubled.联想科技集团发布了其智能手机部门销售利润,好于预期的利润一倍以上。
Net profit was$253m (£168m) in the three months to December, compared to analyst forecasts ofa $200m profit.相比于2亿美元的利润分析预期,至12月近三个月的实际净利润为$253m(£168m)。
Revenue rose31% to $14.1bn, which was also higher than forecasts for $13.7bn in sales.营收增长31%至$14.1bn,这也比预期的137亿美元的销售额更高。
The companybought Motorola and IBM's low-end server unit last year in a bid to diversifybeyond the PC business.去年该公司收购摩托罗拉和IBM的低端服务器部门力图超越PC业务实现多元化。
Lenovo'schairman and chief executive Yuanqing Yang said the firm was at the"starting line of a new race" due to the two multi-billion dollaracquisitions.联想集团董事长兼首席执行官杨元庆表示,由于这两个价值数十亿美元的收购,该公司已成为“起跑线上的新选手”。
"Theresults show that we have the right strategy, we made the right acquisitionsand we executed well globally, so I am confident we are ready to win," MrYang said in a statement.“结果表明,我们有正确的战略,我们做出了正确的收购,我们在全球范围内开展业务,所以我相信我们已经准备好赢,”杨先生在一份声明中说。
"Our corePC business maintained its leading position and further improved profitability.The two newly acquired businesses are achieving great momentum in their firstquarter of integration. They are definitely becoming our growth engines."“我们的核心PC业务将继续保持其领先地位,进一步提高盈利能力。这两个新收购的企业整合后在第一个季度会展现巨大的势头。他们肯定会成为我们的增长引擎。”
Shares rosemore than 8% in Hong Kong following its earnings announcement.随着财报公布,公司在香港的股份涨幅超过8%
Core business核心业务
Lenovo is theworld's biggest PC maker and its latest results show increased dominance inwhat has been a shrinking market.联想是世界上最大的个人电脑制造商,其最新的研究结果表明其在电脑市场的霸主地位一直在下降。
TheBeijing-based company said it held a record 20% of the PC market during thequarter, with sales of $9.15bn.位于北京的公司总部表示,本季度期间PC市场的份额是20%,销售额达$9.15bn。
It also sawshipments rise 5% compared to a 3% decline in the broader industry, due togrowth in Eastern Europe.它也看到了在东欧出货量增长5%相比,在其他更广泛的行业3%的跌幅。
However, itwas Lenovo's smartphone division that showed the most impressive results, withtotal sales rising 109% to $3.39bn in the quarter.然而,联想的智能手机部门,表现出最令人印象深刻的业绩,总销售额在本季度上升109%至$3.39bn。
The US brandsold more than 10 million handsets during the quarter, giving the combined firma 6.6% market share, it said.美国品牌在该季度售出超过10万部手机,给合并后的公司6.6%的市场份额。
Lenovo'spurchase of Motorola has made it the world's third-largest smartphone maker.联想收购摩托罗拉已经使其成为世界第三大智能手机制造商。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-2-4 17:32


c0215 发表于 2015-2-4 18:14

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