Annie2014 发表于 2015-2-4 17:25


【中文标题】中国超过美国成为最大外资目的地【原文标题】China overtakes US for foreign direct investment【原文链接】【更新时间】30 January 2015 Last updated at 02:25【原文来源】【正文】China has overtaken the US as the topdestination for foreign direct investment (FDI), for the first time since 2003.自2003年以来中国首次超过美国成为外国直接投资(FDI)的首选目的地。
Last year, foreign firms invested $128bn(£84,8bn) in China, and $86bn in the US, according to the United NationsConference of Trade and Development.据联合国贸易和发展会议表示,去年外国公司在中国投资1280亿美元 (8480亿英镑),在美国投资860亿美元。
The growth in China's foreign investmentbenefitted the services sector as manufacturing slowed.随着制造业放缓,中国的外商投资的增长使服务业受益。
Globally, foreign investment fell by 8% toa total of $1.26tn last year.在全球范围内,外商投资去年下降了8%,总计1.26万亿美元。
That was the second lowest level since thestart of the financial crisis, partly due to the "fragility" of theglobal economy last year amid geopolitical risks.这是自金融危机以来的第二次最低水平,部分原因是去年在地缘政治风险中全球经济的“脆弱性”。
US investment drop在美投资下降
"FDI flows to developed countriesdropped by 14% to an estimated $511bn, significantly affected by a largedivestment in the United States," the report said.报告称:“受美国撤资的显著影响,流向发达国家的FDI下降了14%,估计有5110亿美元。”
US investment fell by two-thirds last year,mainly due to US firm Verizon buying back $130bn worth of shares in a jointventure from Vodafone in the UK.去年美国投资下降了三分之二,这主要是由于美国公司威瑞森(Verizon)回购英国沃达丰(Vodafone)的合资企业价值1300亿美元的股票。
The US is now third in the world forforeign investment, behind China and Hong Kong.现在美国是仅次于中国大陆和香港的世界上第三大外商投资目的地。
Its foreign investment fell by 63% lastyear, compared to 2013.与2013年相比,其去年的外商投资下降了63%.

However, the UN agency said thestrengthening of the US economy and the pick up in demand from lower oil priceswould "favourably" affect foreign investment this year.不过,联合国机构表示美国从降低油价开始的扩大经济内需举措将“积极”影响外商投资。

c0215 发表于 2015-2-4 18:19


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-2-4 19:02

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