独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-5 23:10

【CNN 20150205】中国央行降准释放1000亿美元

【原文标题】China pumps $100 billion into banks to boost economy【中文标题】中国央行降准释放1000亿美元【文章来源】CNN财经【文章链接】http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-pumps-100-billion-banks-121700472.html
China is acting to prevent a slowdown in the world's second largest economy from getting out of hand.The country's banks have been told they can keep less cash in reserve, a move the central bank hopes will encourage them to lend more to stimulate activity.为了防止经济进一步下滑,中国央行宣布,自2月5日起下调金融机构人民币存款准备金率,这将鼓励金融机构增加资金流出、补充市场流动性。
Economic growth slowed last year to 7.4%, just below the government's official target and the weakest pace in 24 years.2014年中国经济增速为7.4%,低于政府制定的目标,也是24年来的最低值。
Data releases since then have pointed to a further loss of momentum -- the latest official survey of activity in China's huge manufacturing industry showed prices and production falling.官方PMI指数数据显示,中国制造业价格和产量普遍下降。
And the rate of growth across manufacturing and services was the weakest in eight months in January, according to an HSBC survey.汇丰一月份中国PMI指数终值降至49.7,为8个月以来最低。
"Given continued contraction of the manufacturing sector, we believe more easing measures are warranted to support growth in the coming months," wrote HSBC's chief China economist Hongbin Qu.汇丰大中华区首席经济学家屈宏斌称:“由于制造业萎缩,我们认为未来几个月内将会实行经济宽松政策。”
Wednesday's 0.5% cut in the ratio of reserves Chinese banks are required to hold was widely expected following last November's cut in key interest rates, and China's oft stated commitment that it will prevent the economy suffering a hard landing.由于去年11月央行下调了金融机构人民币贷款和存款基准利率,周三金融机构人民币下调存款准备金率0.5个百分点可谓是众望所归。中国再三承诺将会防止经济硬着陆。
Capital Economics said the move was roughly equivalent to an injection of about $100 billion but that smaller banks would struggle to pass much of that on to borrowers because of other barriers to lending.宏观经济研究机构Capital Economics称,此举将等同于释放了1000亿美元资金,但因为放款条件的限制加大了小型金融机构放款的难度。
"As things stand, alongside further reserve requirement ratio cuts in coming months, we continue also to expect benchmark interest rates to be cut further -- perhaps twice more by the middle of this year," wrote Mark Williams, chief Asia economist at Capital Economics. "That could change though if today's move ignites another equity market surge."Capital Economics首席亚洲经济学家Mark Williams称“由于经济止步不前和未来几个月存款准备金率的进一步下降,我们还是认为金融机构人民币贷款和存款基准利率到年中期间会再下降两次。不过情况也有可能改变,因为这次存款准备金率的下降有可能会导致股票市场回暖。
China is expected to announce its official growth target for 2015 next month. Several analysts expect Chinese GDP to grow by less than 7% this year due to weakness in real estate and infrastructure investment.下月中国将会宣布2015年GDP目标。有分析家认为中国今年GDP将低于7%,原因是房地产和基础设施投资的疲软。
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