独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-5 23:16

【法新社 20150205】在华加拿大女子获释丈夫仍被扣 外网友评

【原文标题】China releases Canadian woman, husband held on spy charge【中文标题】在华加拿大女子获释丈夫仍被扣 外国网友评【文章来源】法新社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-releases-canadian-woman-husband-held-spy-charge-105510116.html

China has released on bail a Canadian woman under investigation for undermining state security while her husband has been detained on spying charges, Beijing said Thursday, six months after they were held.一名涉嫌参与破坏中国国家安全活动的加拿大女子日前被获准保释,但其丈夫仍以此指控被扣留。此时距离他们被带走调查已有6个月。
Kevin Garratt and Julia Dawn Garratt, a Christian couple who ran a coffee shop in the Chinese city of Dandong, on the border with North Korea, were detained last August, drawing international condemnation.这对基督教夫妇分别是Kevin和Julia,他们曾在中朝边境的丹东市经营一家咖啡店。他们在去年8月被中国扣留,此举遭到国际上的指责。
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Julia Garratt was "granted bail pending trial" on Tuesday by national security authorities in Dandong.中国外交部发言人洪磊本周二称:“Julia获得了丹东相关部门的取保候审批准。”
Kevin Garratt was placed in criminal detention the same day "on the charge of spying and stealing state secrets", Hong said, adding that both Garratts are suspected of "committing activities undermining China's state security".洪磊称:“Kevin由于涉嫌窃取中国国家机密依然被刑事拘留,但Kevin和Julia都涉嫌参与破坏中国国家安全的活动。”
"The relevant case is under investigation. The Chinese government will protect their lawful rights and interests in accordance with law," Hong added.“相关的案件还在审理。中国政府将依法保护他们的合法权益。”
The probe into the couple was announced one week after Canada accused China of hacking into its research and development arm, prompting accusations that Beijing was investigating them as retaliation against Ottawa.在中国宣布对该夫妇的调查之前,加拿大发起了对中国黑客进入其国家研究部门的指控,此事被认为是中国的报复行为。
The case has strained Sino-Canadian ties, with Ottawa threatening to cancel a visit to Beijing by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in November over the issue. Harper ultimately relented.该事件引起了双方关系的不和,加拿大威胁将取消总理Stephen Harper11月访华一事,但最终Harper态度有所缓和。
The Garratts first moved to China in the 1980s and have been active in helping send humanitarian aid to impoverished North Korea, where authorities are deeply suspicious of Christian proselytising and punish it harshly.这对夫妇上世纪八十年代移居中国,在中国积极对朝鲜发出人道主义救助。朝鲜官方并不信任基督教,并且基督教徒在朝鲜经常遭到惩罚。
Kevin Garratt has told congregations in Canada: "God said, in a prayer meeting, go to Dandong and I'll meet you there, and he said start a coffee house.Kevin曾对加拿大的教堂民众称:“上帝曾对我说,将在丹东和我相遇,并告诉我到那里开一家咖啡店。”
"We're China-based, we're North Korea-focused, but we're Jesus-centred."“我们身在中国,心系朝鲜,但耶稣才是我们世界的中心。”
Authorities have ordered Julia Garratt to remain in mainland China for one year, barring her from leaving the country, according to a statement released by the family through their Beijing-based lawyer, James Zimmerman.该夫妇的家人通过律师James Zimmerman对外称:“中国官方要求Julia留在中国一年。”
Kevin Garratt has been moved to a detention centre "at an unknown location", the statement said, adding that the couple had not been formally arrested, no charges filed, and "no evidence of any crime" provided.他们称“Kevin被移送到不知名的拘留中心。夫妇俩人尚未被正式拘留,没有成立的指控,也“没有任何犯罪证据”公布。”
Family members of the couple welcomed the release but said they remained "deeply concerned" that Kevin Garratt was still being held.他们对Julia的获释表示支持,并称对Kevin仍被扣留表示“高度关切”。
-When we arrest them they are spy's.. When they arrest them they are missionary's or hikers (hackers)-我们逮捕这些人时,这些人就叫做间谍... 当他们逮捕这些人时,这些就叫做传教士或者黑客。
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