独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-2-22 19:46


【原文标题】Chilean cyclist’s record quest ends in death in Thailand【中文标题】智利吉尼斯世界纪录挑战者泰国车祸中丧生【文章来源】美联社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/chilean-cyclists-record-quest-ends-death-thailand-052330695.html
BANGKOK (AP) — A Chilean cyclist's quest to bike around the world in five years has ended with his death in a road accident in northeast Thailand, police said Sunday. Juan Francisco Guillermo, 47, was hit by a pickup truck and immediately killed Saturday on a highway in Nakhon Ratchasima province.据泰国警方消息,智利吉尼斯世界挑战者Juan Francisco Guillermo(以下简称Juan)今日在泰国北部发生车祸被一辆轻型货车撞击身亡。
According to police and accounts on social media, Guillermo was attempting to set a Guinness World Record by cycling 250,000 kilometers (155,350 miles) on five continents in five years. His journey started in November 2010 and was scheduled to end in November this year.Juan曾发起在5年内骑行25万公里(15.5350英里)、横跨五大洲的吉尼斯世界纪录的挑战。他的行程在2010年11月份开始,并计划今年11月完成。
Guillermo's wife from Hong Kong, who was on another bicycle with their 2-year-old son, suffered a slight sprain in the accident, said police Col. Torsak Thammingmongkol. It was not clear how long they had accompanied Guillermo in his round-the-world cycling odyssey.发生车祸的还有Juan来自香港的妻子。据Torsak警察称,当时Juan的妻子与两岁的儿子骑行在另一辆自行车上,幸运的是她只是在车祸关节扭伤。Torsak表示不清楚母子两人在这场长途挑战中陪伴了Juan多长的时间。
The driver of the pickup truck was arrested on a charge of causing death by dangerous driving and released on bail, said Torsak. The offense carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.货车司机涉嫌危险驾驶致他人死亡被逮捕,目前被批准保释。危险驾驶致他人死亡最高面临10年的监禁。
"It was an accident caused by the driver's recklessness. The road was straight and the cyclist was in his own lane," the officer said.据当地官员表示:“火车司机的轻率导致了车祸的发生。事发的公路呈直线型,Juan也骑行在在自行车道上。”
The death comes as Thailand's government is trying hard to promote bicycling for commuting, sport and tourism.目前泰国政府正大力提倡民众在通勤、运动和旅游时多使用自行车。
In February 2013, a British couple on a similar round-the-world quest was killed in a road accident in eastern Thailand.2013年2月,一对英国夫妇也发起了类似的吉尼斯世界纪录挑战,他们在泰国东部的一条马路上也因车祸丧生。

hanhhhh2010 发表于 2015-2-22 19:58


爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-2-22 20:26

智利吉尼斯世界挑战者Juan Francisco Guillermo(以下简称Juan)今日在泰国北部发生车祸被一辆轻型货车撞击身亡。

呼唤法制统一 发表于 2015-3-26 10:21

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