独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-2 23:18

【路透社 20150302】浙江军区副政委郭正钢涉嫌违纪接受调查

【原文标题】China says probing son of former top military officer【中文标题】浙江军区副政委郭正钢涉嫌违纪接受调查【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-says-probing-son-former-top-military-officer-101842538.html;_ylt=AwrBJR6xYfRUkHIA64jQtDMD
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is investigating 14 of its senior military officers, including the son of one of its former top generals, for suspected corruption, state media said on Monday, the latest wave of Beijing's intensifying anti-graft campaign in the army.中国目前正在对14名高级军官展开贪腐调查,其中包括一名高级军委副主席的儿子。最近中国政府在军队开展的最新一轮反腐运动。
The Defence Ministry said one of the officers under investigation was Guo Zhenggang, the son of Guo Boxiong, who retired as vice chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission in 2013.据军队权威部门消息,郭正钢目前正在接受调查。郭正钢是中国军委副主席郭伯雄的儿子,后者于2013年退休。
Guo, the deputy political commissar of the military in the eastern province of Zhejiang, was being investigated on suspicion of "violating the law", the ministry said in a statement on its website, without elaborating. In China, "violating the law" is often a euphemism for corruption.浙江省军区副政委郭正钢因涉嫌“违法”正接受检察机关的调查。在中国,“违法”一般是官员贪腐的委婉说法。
Guo, 45, is also a major-general, according to the Global Times, an influential tabloid owned by the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece, the People's Daily.据《环球时报》介绍,今年45岁的郭正钢同时也是一名少将。
The news comes four months after one of China's most senior former military officers, Xu Caihou, confessed to taking "massive" bribes in exchange for help in promotions.此前,前军委副主席徐才厚因利用职位收受巨额钱财为他人谋取职位而落马。
The Defence Ministry said in a separate commentary that the release of the new list would help combat naysayers who thought the crackdown was "just for appearances" or "a gust of wind".另一份声明还提到,新一轮的贪腐运动能帮助打击那些认为打击贪腐只是“形式”或者“一阵风”的官员。
"The military is really going for it in fighting corruption," it said. “军方将积极打击贪污腐败的现象”
The anti-graft drive in the military comes as Xi steps up efforts to modernize forces that are projecting power across the disputed waters of the East and South China Seas, though China has not fought a war in decades.此前,中国加大力度打造中国军队现代化建设。目前中国军队在东海和南海的争议海域里扩张力量,但中国几十年来没有参与任何战争。
China stepped up a crackdown on corruption in the military in the late 1990s, banning the PLA from engaging in business. But the military has been involved in commercial dealings in recent years due to a lack of checks and balances, military analysts have said.中国从上世纪末就开始打击军队腐败问题,禁止军方从事商业活动。但据军事分析师称,因为政府机关彼此之间缺乏互相制衡,军方一直没有停止商业活动的进行。
Anti-graft advocates have said corruption in the military is so pervasive that it could undermine China's ability to wage war.反腐运动提倡者认为,军队腐败问题的全面渗透将会削弱中国军队的作战能力。
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