独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-2 23:19

【路透社 20150302】中国:为斯里兰卡提供贷款“基于共识”

【原文标题】China says Sri Lanka loans made 'based on consensus'【中文标题】中国:为斯里兰卡提供贷款“基于共识”【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://news.yahoo.com/china-says-sri-lanka-loans-made-based-consensus-103529773--business.html;_ylt=AwrBJR6xYfRUkHIA_YjQtDMD
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's loans to Sri Lanka were made based on consensus through talks between the two countries and at Sri Lanka's request, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday, after Sri Lanka's foreign minister expressed concern about the loans.中国外交部周一称,中方向斯里兰卡提供的贷款是基于两国的共识,也是应斯里兰卡的要求所安排的。
The minister, speaking in Beijing over the weekend, said Sri Lanka's finance minister would visit Beijing to discuss the roughly $5 billion owed to China.据外交部长称,斯里兰卡财政部长将访问中国,就大约50亿美元的贷款展开讨论。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the loans were made on the principle of mutual benefit and would help promote development in Sri Lanka.中国外交部发言人华春莹称,对斯方的贷款是本着互利共赢的原则出发,将会促进斯里兰卡的发展。
"The loans are extended at the request of Sri Lanka and based on consensus through consultations," she told a daily news briefing.“中方对斯提供的贷款是应斯方要求,而且经过双方协商一致作出的安排。
"The loan arrangements are for the whole nation and people and have played a positive role in the economic and social development of Sri Lanka," Hua added.“贷款事宜有关整个斯里兰卡及其国民,对斯里兰卡的经济发展和社会发展起到关键作用。”
New Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena has unnerved China with his re-examination of certain projects that China has invested in, including a $1.5 billion (973.14 million pounds) "port city" in the capital Colombo.中国曾在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡投资15亿美元用来建设“港口城市”,但斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳对该项目的再审查令中国不安。
India, which lost out to China in infrastructure development on the Indian Ocean island, was particularly concerned about the security threat posed by Chinese ownership of land, aggravated by the docking of Chinese submarines in Colombo last year.印度在斯里兰卡基础设施建设上输给中国,并对中国在斯里兰卡影响力带来的安全隐患表示关注。去年中国潜艇停靠科伦坡一度让印度神经紧张。
India had grown increasingly wary of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa's pursuit of closer ties with China, which became a key supporter of the island's economy after its 26-year civil war ended in 2009.斯里兰卡2009年结束了长达26年的内战,中国从那时起便成为斯里兰卡经济发展的重要支持者。印度国内对前总统寻求建立更紧密的中印关系越来越谨慎。
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