独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-2 23:20

【BBC 20150226】中国一年内禁止进口非洲象牙雕刻品

【原文标题】China imposes one-year ban on ivory imports【中文标题】中国一年内禁止进口非洲象牙雕刻品【文章来源】BBC【文章链接】http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-31648475
China has imposed a one-year ban on the import of ivory, amid criticism that demand among Chinese consumers is fuelling poaching in Africa.中国林业局近日宣布一年内禁止进口非洲象牙雕刻品。有舆论曾批评中国的象牙消费助长了非洲象牙偷猎的发展。
The announcement was made by the State Forestry Administration, with officials saying they hoped it would be a first step towards protecting wild elephants.林业局官员称,希望此举能够保护野生大象的生存。
Conservationists have warned the animal could be wiped out in parts of Africa in the next few years.生态环境保护者人士曾警告称,非洲野生大象在未来几年内将灭绝。
China is the world's largest importer of smuggled tusks.中国是世界上走私象牙最大的购买者。
However, the government says it has stepped up efforts to target illegal trading, which has been fuelled by a desire for ivory from an increasingly affluent population.但中国政府称,已经出台措施打击非法象牙交易。象牙在中国受到越来越多的富人的追求。
It is hoped the temporary ban on imports, which came into effect on Thursday, will help reduce demand for African tusks.这项临时禁令将在上周四正式实施,此举被认为将帮助减少非洲象牙的需求。

Criminal gangs犯罪团伙
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) banned the ivory trade in 1989, but China is allowed to trade domestically and has around 150 licensed shops.《濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约》在1989年禁止象牙交易。但象牙交易在中国属合法,目前在中国约有150家合法象牙制品商店。
Six years ago, the government was also given permission to import one consignment of more than 60 tonnes of ivory from Africa.6年前,非洲一次性卖了60吨合法象牙给中国。
Conservationists say this has fuelled demand and has led to an underground trade, with criminal gangs slaughtering elephants for Asian markets.保育者称,该事件刺激了象牙需求的增加,导致象牙非法交易的滋生,大量犯罪团伙宰杀大象向亚洲市场提供象牙。
Earlier this month, broadcaster David Attenborough was one of several signatories of an open letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping.本月早些时候,大卫·爱登堡等几人联名向中国主席习近平递交了一封公开信。
The letter called on the country's leader to outlaw the buying and selling of ivory completely and to provide Chinese citizens with information on the issue.信中他们呼吁中国主席剥夺象牙交易的法律保护,并向中国公民作相关宣传。
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