独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-3 14:02

【路透社 20150302】国家信息中心报告预计一季度GDP增长7%

【原文标题】China's economic growth expected to slow to 7 pct in Q1 - state think tank【中文标题】国家信息中心报告预计一季度GDP增长7%【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/02/china-economy-idUSL4N0W30VM20150302
(Reuters) - China's economy is expected to slow to an annual 7 percent in the first quarter of this year, a top Chinese government think tank said in a research report, a sign policy makers will have to roll out more stimulus to support faltering growth.中国国家信息中心在一份研究报告中表示,2015年第一季度中国经济增速降至7%。这表明,政策制定者将会出台更多经济措施刺激经济动力。
The forecast by the State Information Centre underscored the rationale of Saturday's move by China's central bank to cut interest rates for the second time in less than four months as it steps up efforts to ward off deflation.相应地,中国央行上周六宣布降息,这是中国在不到四个月内第二次降息以进一步抵挡通货紧缩。
"Our country's economic growth still faces relatively heavy downward pressure amid structure adjustments," the think-tank said in its research report published in the official China Securities News on Monday.信息中心周一《中国证券报》上称,“在经济结构转型期,我们国家的经济面临相对严重的下行压力。
"As such, it will continue searching for a bottom in the first quarter of 2015 and is preliminarily forecast to grow around 7 percent in the quarter," it said.“因此,2015年第一季度经济增速将继续下滑,初步预计将下降到7%。”
The think tank operates under the purview of China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission.国家信息中心是国家发展和改革委员会下属单位。
China's economic growth held steady at 7.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2014 from a year earlier but still hovered near the weakest pace since the global financial crisis, reinforcing expectations that policymakers will have to roll out more support measures to avert a sharper slowdown.2014年第四季度中国经济增速为7.3%,但仍徘徊在全球金融危机以来增速最低点,政策制定者有望出台更多政策刺激经济增长。
China's consumer price index (CPI) is expected to increase only 1.2 percent on-year in the first quarter of 2015, compared with 2 percent a year earlier, the think-tank said.国家信息中心称,2015年第一季度中国消费者价格指数预计仅上升1.2%,而去年同期为2%。
Annual growth of exports is expected at 5 percent in the first quarter, slowing from 6 .1 percent a year earlier, while imports are likely to decrease 10.7 percent in the quarter, compared with a 0.4-percent increase in the same period of 2014, it said. 2015年第一季度出口预计增长5%,较去年同期下降1.1%;进口预计下降10.7%,而去年同期则上升0.4%。
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