独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-3 14:03

【路透社 20150302】英国皇家邮政拟3月底进驻天猫国际

【原文标题】Royal Mail announces China link-up through Alibaba's Tmall【中文标题】英国皇家邮政拟3月底进驻天猫国际【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/02/us-britain-royal-mail-china-idUSKBN0LY1MS20150302
(Reuters) - Britain's Royal Mail is joining Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Tmall Global's online marketplace, hoping to link small British companies with Chinese consumers and boost trade for its overseas parcels business.英国皇家邮政预计将入驻阿里巴巴旗下的跨境电商平台天猫国际,有望为中国消费者提供英国中小公司产品的直邮服务,同时也将促进该公司海外快递业务的增长。
Alibaba's Tmall Global is Asia's largest business-to-consumer retail platform, connecting 302 million online Chinese consumers with virtual store fronts and payment portals, Royal Mail said.天猫国际是亚洲最大的商对客(B2C)零售平台,为3.02亿中国网购者提供网上商城和支付入口。
It said its Tmall online shop front, which will launch later this month, would provide consumers with access to small- and medium-sized British retailers and exporters who want to do business in China, but do not have the means to do so alone.皇家邮政在天猫国际开设的门店将在3月底上线,将为中国消费者集中提供英国中小型公司的产品。此举将为这些英国公司提供在华销售渠道和便利。
Royal Mail will handle the necessary documentation for the firms, as well as things such as marketing, promotions and customer services.皇家邮政将为英国零售商和出口商解决在进入中国市场时海关保税、市场营销、电商推广、当地客服等方面遇到的问题。
In return, Royal Mail will receive commission on the sale of products and revenue for shipping them through its Parcelforce express unit.作为回报,皇家邮政将在邮政服务和产品销售额上收取一定的手续费。
China is the biggest international consumer of British products online, accounting for 25 percent of overseas online shoppers purchasing goods from the UK, according to Royal Mail.中国是英国最大的海外网购者。据皇家邮政称,英国网商25%的海外订单来自中国。
Fast-growing British bike maker Brompton Bicycles, whose fold-up bikes help commuters navigate busy cities around the world, is one of the firms that has signed up to the partnership.英国自行车品牌Brompton目前已于皇家邮政签订合作协议。该自行车品牌近年来发展迅速,该自行车具有的可折叠功能为全世界的通勤者提供很大便利。
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