独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-4 17:05

【路透社 20150303】全球收入差距进一步扩大 亚洲及北美最甚

【原文标题】Pay gap widens most in North America, Asia: study【中文标题】全球收入差距进一步扩大 亚洲及北美最甚【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/04/us-economy-pay-disparity-idUSKBN0M000720150304
(Reuters) - The pay gap between senior managers and lower-level employees has widened much more sharply in North America and Asia than in Europe since the financial crisis, a study showed on Wednesday.周三合益咨询公司发布的研究表明,自金融危机以来北美和亚洲管理高层和底层雇员之间的薪水差距进一步扩大,而欧洲也在扩大但程度上不及北美和亚洲。
The report by Hay Group, a global management consultancy, showed that pay disparity between the likes of clerical or graduate-entry jobs and senior managers had increased in every region worldwide since the start of the global recession.报告显示,自全球衰退开始以来,世界各地文书或毕业刚参加工作的职员与高层管理人员的薪水差距进一步扩大。
In North America the pay gap rose by 7.2 percent between 2008 and 2014, while the gap in Asia increased by 12.5 percent. Europe experienced the smallest widening at 2.2 percent.在北美,这一差距在2008年至2014年间上升了7.2%,在亚洲上升了12.5%,在欧洲上升了2.2%。
"Despite an average global increase in the job-level pay gap, Europe and America have diverged, in part due to local employment practices," Hay Group consultant Ben Frost said.该公司咨询师Ben Frost称:“尽管全球的薪水差距水平在扩大,美洲上升速度远大于欧洲,原因是两地企业雇员惯例不同。”
The International Monetary Fund warned last year that income inequality could lead to slower or less sustainable economic growth.国际货币基金组织去年曾发出提醒称,收入不均会令经济增长更缓慢或经济发展更缺少可持续性。
Many companies in Europe introduced across-the-board pay cuts to avoid job losses while businesses in the United States cut jobs more often and raised senior management pay to reflect increased duties, the Hay report showed.面对经济危机,许多欧洲国家的企业全面削减工资避免裁员,而美国企业则更习惯裁员的方式,提高高层人员的薪水的同时增加他们的工作量。
The pay gap in the United States widened by 10.6 percent between 2008 and 2014, with workers in senior management roles paid an average of four times the amount earned by workers in lower-level jobs last year.美国的收入差距在2008年至2014年间扩大10.6%,2014年高职位员工平均薪水是低职位员工平均薪水的4倍。
Within Europe, the gap in Britain increased 5.3 percent to 3.3 times but by only 0.3 percent in Germany to 2.8 times.反观欧洲,英国的收入差距扩大5.3%,高职位员工平均薪水是地职位员工平均薪水的3.3倍,为德国这两个数字分别为0.3%和2.8倍。
In Asia, the gap in China grew by 7.8 percent to 12.7 times and in Japan it rose by 2.1 percent to 3.3 times.在亚洲,中国的收入差距扩大7.8%,高低职位员工平均薪水差距为12.7倍,而日本这两字数字分别为2.1%和3.3倍。
Hay Group said the increase in the pay gap was driven by the increasing automation of low-level jobs or their transfer to lower-pay countries. Such cost-cutting resulted in increased competition for remaining jobs, keeping pay down.合益咨询公司表示,收入差距的扩大是低水平工作所需自动化技术的提高或低水平工作向劳动力相对廉价的国家转移等原因造成。这种降低成本的方法使现有底层岗位竞争加大,薪水也维持较低水平。
In contrast, senior management pay has risen to reflect increased responsibilities and more complex work, it said.相反,管理高层薪水的上涨反映了他们的需要承担的工作责任更大、工作性质更复杂。
Hay Group said the data used for the study was drawn from more than 16 million employees in 24,000 organizations.该公司称,研究数据取自于对2.4万个公司的1600万名员工的调查。
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