独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-5 14:23

【路透社 20150304】李克强:GDP增速拟约7% 承诺更多改革

China lowers annual growth target, pledges more reform李克强:GDP增速拟约7% 承诺更多改革

China's Premier Li Keqiang said the world's second largest economy would target growth this year of around 7 percent, signaling the lowest expansion for a quarter of a century.中国总理李克强称,今年中国经济增速达7%左右。7%的GDP增速将成为该国25年来的最低。
The premier said China faced greater economic headwinds this year than in 2014.李总理说,中国经济今年比去年面对更多的阻力。
"The downward pressure on China's economy is intensifying," said Li.“中国经济下行压力增大。
"Deep-seated problems in the country's economic development are becoming more obvious. The difficulties we are facing this year could be bigger than last year. The new year is a crucial year for deepening all-round reforms."中国经济发展的深层问题将会更加明显。今年我们面对的困难也将更多。今年是全面深化改革关键的一年。
The opening of the annual full meeting of the largely rubber-stamp National People's Congress comes less than a week after China cut interest rates for the second time in three months, underscoring the growth challenges the country faces this year.今年中国经济增长将面临挑战。中国两会召开前,中国曾三个月以内连续两次降息。
With the ultimate goal of restructuring the economy to boost consumption at the expense of exports and investment, Li said China would push ahead with reforms of state-owned enterprises and move to liberalize its banking system and nascent financial markets.李克强称,中国将会改革国营企、放宽对银行系统和金融市场的限制。
On corruption, a problem President Xi Jinping has vowed to fight, Li said the battle would not end.李克强还提到,反腐运动将会一如既往地进行。
"This year we will push forward the rule of law," he said. "It is also a crucial year for stabilizing growth and restructuring the economy."“今年我们将会推进法治进度。今年对于稳定经济增长和改革经济结构也是重要的一年。”
With Communist Party leaders ever mindful of social stability, Li said China aimed to create more than 10 million new jobs in 2015.为了保障社会稳定,2015中国计划创造1000万个新岗位。
China's economy grew 7.4 percent last year, roughly in line with the government's growth target of around 7.5 percent but still the slowest in 24 years.去年中国GDP增速为7.4%,尽管已经接近7.5%的目标,但仍为24年经济增速最低的一年。
With deflationary pressures mounting in China - annual consumer inflation fell to a five-year low of 0.8 percent in January, breaching the government's warning line of 1 percent - Li said the government would also lower its 2015 inflation target to around 3 percent from 3.5 percent in 2014.中国通货紧缩压力在增加,2015年1月消费价格膨胀达0.8%,创下五年来的心底,同时也打破了政府1%的警戒线。李克强说,政府也计划把今年的通胀率从2014年的3.5%降到3%。

hegieer 发表于 2015-3-6 18:52

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