独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-5 23:30

【VOA20150305】不满教育改革法案 缅甸学生继续与警察对峙

A standoff is continuing for a third day between Myanmar police and student protesters who are trying to march to Yangon to demand changes to an education reform bill.缅甸警察和抗议学生的对峙进入第三天。学生们试图向仰光进发,要求对一项教育改革法案做出修改。
Student leader Thiha Win Tin told VOA on Wednesday that police continue to surround the activists at a monastery in Letpadan, about 130 kilometers north of Yangon.一位学生领袖星期三对美国之音说,警察继续把活动人士围困在里伯坦的一座寺庙中。该地位于仰光以北约130公里。
Speaking by phone from Letpadan, he said police continue to threaten to arrest the students if they try to continue their march. So far, he said police have not made any arrests and that the activists are sticking to their demands.这位学生领袖表示,警察继续威胁说,如果学生们不放弃游行,就要逮捕他们。他说,到目前为止,警察还没有逮捕任何人,活动人士仍坚持自己的要求。
The group of more than 1,000 students set off from Mandalay last month to demand Myanmar's military-dominated government scrap a new education reform law.上个月,1千多名学生从曼德勒出发,要求缅甸政府废除一项新的教育改革法。
They say the law will centralize control of universities in Myanmar, also known as Burma. They also want more government spending on education as well as the freedom to organize teachers and students.他们说,这项法律将使缅甸大学遭到集中控制。他们还要求政府增加教育开支,并允许教师和学生组织团体。
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