满仓 发表于 2015-3-6 08:17

【纽约时报 20150302】亿万富翁=立法者?

本帖最后由 满仓 于 2015-3-6 08:26 编辑

【原文标题】Billionaire Lawmakers Ensure the Rich Are Represented in China’s Legislature




















Lawmakers in much of the world are often accused of being in the pockets of billionaires. But there’s a difference in China. Here, the lawmakers are the billionaires.

Among the 1,271 richest Chinese people tracked by the Shanghai-based Hurun Report, a record 203, or more than one in seven, are delegates to the nation’s Parliament or its advisory body, which will convene for their yearly joint session this week in Beijing. According to figures released by the Hurun Report on Monday, the delegates’ combined net worth is $463.8 billion, more than the annual economic output of Austria.

American lawmakers are poor by comparison. According to figures provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based group that tracks money in American politics, the richest person in any of the United States government’s three branches, Representative Darrell Issa, a California Republican, would rank as only the 166th richest member at the meeting of China’s National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress which opens on Wednesday.

Pony Ma, the chief executive of Tencent Holdings.

Eighteen of the Chinese delegates have a net worth greater than the combined wealth of all 535 members of the United States Congress, the nine members of the Supreme Court and President Obama’s cabinet.

As with any cross-country comparison, there are differences. A few of the delegates to the Chinese parliamentary session are sons or spouses of family patriarchs. The Hurun Report list also often combines family wealth, while United States disclosures count the wealth of the officeholder and his or her spouse.

Still, while the National People’s Congress is a rubber stamp for the ruling Communist Party, lacking the power of the United States Congress or the British Parliament, the concentration of wealth in its ranks reflects the growing influence of the rich in Chinese politics.

That is no accident. Starting more than a decade ago, the Communist Party, founded to empower workers and peasants and quash the capitalist class, began to welcome wealthy members to broaden its appeal and buttress its authority.

Robin Li, chief executive of Baidu Inc.

“The Communist Party of China today is about doing whatever it takes to strengthen its capacity to stay in power,” Steve Tsang, a professor of contemporary Chinese studies at the University of Nottingham in England, said in an email. “The lack of institutional checks and balances allows politics and money to come together on a scale that is not imaginable in a capitalist country like the U.S.A. or a social-democratic country like the U.K.”

A seat on one of the two bodies is highly desirable, not because the positions are powerful, but because being a delegate provides access to the highest echelons of the party and the government. It is also a clear sign to potential business partners and rivals of political clout.

Membership in either body can also provide wealthy Chinese with protection from government actions that could hurt their businesses — something that wealthy Americans can achieve by hiring lobbyists, lawyers and public relations consultants — said Victor Shih, an associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, who studies the confluence of finance and politics in China.

Because the two Chinese bodies have “many positions where businesspeople can legitimately obtain such protection, the wealthy business elite use their influence to obtain positions in these bodies,” Mr. Shih said.

Victor Li, the son of Li Ka-shing, the chairman of Cheung Kong Holdings.

Among the delegates who will convene at the Great Hall of the People this week are some of the most famous names in corporate China, including Pony Ma, chief executive of Tencent Holdings; and Robin Li, chief executive of the Google rival Baidu Inc. The Hurun list also includes some Hong Kong tycoons who are members, among them Victor Li, the son of Li Ka-shing, the chairman of Cheung Kong Holdings. Hong Kong, part of China since 1997, sends delegates to Beijing every March for the meeting.

In all, 106 members of the people’s congress and 97 members of the consultative congress are on the Hurun China Rich List. Founded in 1999, Hurun also publishes magazines about China’s wealthy and organizes publicity events with luxury brands.

In percentage terms, the contrast with the United States is also stark. The 203 Chinese billionaires make up 4 percent of the more than 5,200 delegates to the meeting, with an average net worth of $2.3 billion. The richest 4 percent of the United States Congress, 22 people, have an average net worth of $124 million.

In all likelihood, the gulf is probably even greater. While members of Congress in America are required to disclose their assets, with exceptions for their primary residences and federal retirement accounts, members of the “two sessions” are not. Hurun obtained the net worth of the richest Chinese people from publicly available sources such as annual reports by listed companies. But other delegates could also be billionaires, with assets hidden in sources that are not publicly available.

One obvious source of hidden wealth: China’s residential real estate market, worth more than $30 trillion. The owners of China’s homes are swathed in secrecy, but corruption investigations regularly expose officials who own dozens of villas and apartments. The Hurun calculation excludes most Chinese property holdings.
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