独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-7 10:41

【路透社 20150304】政治压力迫使阿里巴巴退出台湾

Alibaba is again fending off political pressure after Taiwan ordered the Chinese ecommerce group to withdraw from the country, accusing it of violating investment rules by hiding the fact that it was a mainland entity.阿里巴巴(Alibaba)再次面临政治压力,此前台湾要求这家中国电子商务集团撤出台湾,指责它隐瞒自己是中国大陆的实体,违反了台湾的投资规则。
The Taiwan Investment Commission, a branch of the Ministry of Economic affairs, said it had fined Alibaba NT$120,000 ($3,824).台湾经济部下属的投资审议委员会称,已要求阿里巴巴支付12万元台币(合3824美元)的罚款。
It ordered the group to withdraw from the country or transfer its holdings from its Taiwan operation within six months.该机构要求阿里巴巴集团撤出台湾,或者在6个月内转让其在台湾分公司持有的股份。
“Alibaba was found to have hidden the fact that it is a Chinese-owned company by entering Taiwan via a Singapore-registered entity,” the commission said.该委员会称:“阿里巴巴被发现经由一家在新加坡注册的实体进入台湾而隐瞒自己的中国大陆企业身份。”
Alibaba said it would work with the Taiwan authorities to resolve the problem, which arose after the internet company’s US listing last year.阿里巴巴表示,将与台湾有关部门合作,解决这一问题。该问题是在这家互联网公司去年在美国上市后出现的。
“Since Alibaba Group, the parent company of Alibaba.com, went public in the US last September, the authority took a different view about the internal structure of Alibaba Group and deemed it a mainland Chinese company,” the group said.“自从Alibaba.com的母公司阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)去年9月在美国上市后,台湾有关部门改变了对阿里巴巴集团内部结构的看法,将其视为一家中国大陆企业,”该集团表示。
“We legitimately set up our business in Taiwan and complied with Taiwanese law.”“我们在台湾合法地设立了分公司,并遵守台湾的法律规定。”
Alibaba said it had set up its Taiwan branch in 2008 under the Singapore-registered entity, a wholly owned subsidiary of Alibaba.com, “in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the authority at that time, and has since operated business based on all legal procedures”.阿里巴巴表示,2008年通过新加坡注册的实体(Alibaba.com的全资子公司)在台湾设立分公司时,“依据的是当时台湾官方颁布的相关规定,并自此遵循所有的法律程序开展业务”。
At that time, Taiwan did not allow Chinese investment or subsidiaries of Chinese companies to enter. But investment ties between the two countries have grown rapidly since.当时,台湾尚不允许中国大陆的投资或是大陆企业的子公司进入。但自那以来,两岸投资关系已迅速改善。
“Most of the registered users and business of Alibaba are not in Taiwan, so I believe its withdrawal will have almost zero impact on Alibaba’s results,” Hong Bo, a Beijing-based independent internet analyst, said.常驻北京的独立互联网分析师洪波说:“阿里巴巴绝大部分注册用户和业务都不在台湾,所以我认为撤出台湾市场对阿里巴巴业绩的影响几乎为零。”
Politics has complicated Alibaba’s operations on the mainland, where the company recently traded barbs with a regulator after the watchdog hinted that Alibaba might have misled investors before its US listing about trading of counterfeit goods on its markets.政治已经使阿里巴巴在中国大陆的运营变得复杂。近期,该公司与一家监管机构进行了针锋相对的论战,因为该监管机构暗示,赴美上市前,阿里巴巴在其市场销售假冒商品的问题上可能误导了投资者。
Alibaba denies misleading investors.阿里巴巴否认曾误导投资者。

dcxc 发表于 2015-3-7 11:19


赀财盈筐 发表于 2015-3-7 11:27

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