独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-7 10:42

【美国之音 20150304】中国军队反腐败 14名高级军官落马

Fourteen senior Chinese military officers are under investigation for corruption, as President Xi Jinping’s signature anti-corruption campaign extends its reach into the country’s elite institutions.随着中国国家主席习近平标志性的反腐运动向中国各高层部门的扩展,14名中国高级军官因腐败接受调查。
The official news portal of the Central Military Commission published the names and ranks of the fourteen officers late on Monday.周一晚些时候,中央军委的官方新闻门户网站公布了14名受调查军官的姓名和军衔。
The announcement, which comes just ahead of the annual “two meetings” of China’s national parliament and a separate political consultative body, shows that even the country’s most august and entrenched institutions are not immune from the sweeping anti-corruption drive.该声明公布之际,正赶在全国人大和政协召开“两会”之前。这一消息的公布,表明即使是中国最具威严、根基最深厚的军事部门,也无法免受全面反腐的影响。
“This purge represents the consolidation of Xi Jinping’s grip over the military,” said Zhang Lifan, a historian and political commentator. “The mantra that the party must maintain absolute control over the PLA has been around for nearly half a century since Mao, but in history there have been times when the PLA managed the party.”历史学家、政治评论家章立凡表示:“这次的整肃表明了习近巩固了对军权的控制。” “中共必须对解放军保持绝对的控制,这个话从毛泽东时代就开始讲了半个世纪了。 但历史上已经有过几次解放军指挥党的情况”。
In a commentary accompanying the announcement, the CMC said that “actively publishing anti-corruption information benefits trust in the military held by all portions of society”.在发布该声明的同时,中央军委评论说:“主动发布反腐信息,有利于增强社会各界对于军队的信任。”
“The military has done a lot on anti-corruption,” the commentary continued. “Tigers have been hit, and flies have been swatted. But because the military has focused on action more than words, there have been voices of doubt online asking, ‘Is the anti-corruption campaign in the military just for show?’”接着,该评论表示:“应该说,十八大以来,军队在反腐正风上做了不少事,老虎打了、苍蝇也拍了,但由于做多说少,网上总有一些质疑的声音,军队反腐是不是做样子?”
Mr Xi launched the anti-graft drive more than two years ago and promised to target both high-ranking “tigers” and more lowly “flies”.两年多以前,习近平曾在发动反腐运动时承诺“既打苍蝇也打老虎”,将目标同时对准了级别较高的“老虎”和级别较低的“苍蝇”。
Last May Major General Kun Lunyan, a respected commentator, wrote in state-run tabloid the Global Times that “military corruption is at a dangerously unprecedented level” and warned that it was compromising the country’s war-fighting ability. 去年5月,著名评论员、解放军少将昆仑岩曾在官方报纸《环球时报》(Global Times)表示“军队腐败现象已达前所未有的危重程度”。他还警告说,腐败现象正在侵蚀中国军队的战斗力。
The commission’s anti-graft body launched probes into five of the officers between August and November last year, while the remaining nine were placed under investigation during the first two months of 2015, according to the CMC statement.根据军委声明,在这些军官中,5人于去年8月到11月期间被军委纪委立案调查,其余9人则在2015年头两个月被调查。

爱中华里的财哥 发表于 2015-3-7 11:43

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