独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-8 14:50

【美国之音 20150226】国际特赦组织:灾难般的2014年

The year 2014 was a "catastrophic" one for millions of people around the world, a human rights watchdog group said Wednesday.人权观察组织国际特赦组织在年度报告中说,对世界各地的数百万人而言,2014年是“灾难性”的一年。
In its annual human rights report, Amnesty International said millions of civilians were killed from Syria to Ukraine, Gaza to Nigeria, while the number of displaced people around the world exceeded 50 million last year for the first time since the end of World War II.国际特赦组织的年度报告说,从叙利亚到乌克兰,从加沙地带到尼日利亚,数百万平民遭到杀戮。与此同时,世界各地去年流离失所的人超过了5000万,创下二战结束以来之最。
The report accused world governments of failing to protect civilians from violence by states and armed groups.国际特赦组织说,很多国家的政府未能保护平民免遭来自国家和武装组织的暴力。
Shetty, Secretary-General, Amnesty International said:"The main point that we are making in our report is that the response from the international community and those who could potentially stop this from continuing has been dismal, in fact shameful. And we are making some clear calls on what the world can do to reverse the situation and improve the protection that civilians deserve.''国际特赦组织秘书长谢迪说:“我们在报告中要阐明的要点是,国际社会以及那些有能力制止事态恶化的人反应淡漠,这着实可耻。我们明确地指出,整个世界如何才能够逆转局面,提高对平民应有的保护。”
Amnesty said armed groups committed abuses in at least 35 countries in 2014, and called the rise of the Islamic State militant group a particular concern.国际特赦的报告说,武装组织2014年在至少35个国家侵犯人权,伊斯兰国激进组织的兴起尤其令人担忧。
The report accused Islamic State of committing widescale war crimes, including mass summary killings and abductions that targeted minorities, and subjecting hundreds of women and girls to sexual abuse.报告指出,伊斯兰国组织犯下多种战争罪行,包括针对少数群体的大规模杀戮和绑架,并对数以百计的妇女和女孩进行性侵犯。
Amnesty singled out the United Nations Security Council for criticism, saying the five permanent council members - Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States - "consistently abused" their veto right to "promote their political self-interest" above that of protecting civilians.国际特赦组织特别批评了联合国安理会,说5个常任理事国英国、中国、法国、俄罗斯和美国不断滥用否决权,将本国的政治利益或地缘政治利益置于平民利益之上。
The group is urging the five states to give up their right to veto action in cases where genocide and other mass killings are being committed. 国际特赦组织呼吁五个安理会常任理事国针对种族灭绝和其他大规模杀戮的行动表决时不要行使否决权。

fshysh 发表于 2015-3-8 17:29

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