独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-9 11:44

【路透社20150309】马总理承诺继续搜寻MH370客机 报告无新线索

Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Sunday Malaysia remained committed to the search for the missing MH370 jetliner a year after it vanished without trace, and a report by international investigators offered no new clues as to its fate.马来西亚总理纳吉布周日在马航MH370客机失联一周年之际发表声明,称马方仍致力于搜寻MH370客机。与此同时,国际调查组发布的报告没有关于MH370客机命运的新线索。
A 584-page interim report into the disappearance of the Boeing 777-200ER provided details on how radars had tracked the plane going off course to issues concerning the battery of the flight data recorder's underwater locator beacon.国际调查组的中期报告长达584页,提供了雷达是如何对偏离航线的该客机进行追踪、以及飞行数据记录仪水下定位信标电池相关问题等方面的详情。
However it did not identify a definitive cause for the disappearance, adding there was nothing suspicious in the financial, medical or personal histories of pilots or crew.但报告没有确定客机失联的明确原因,并且指出客机的飞行员及机组人员在经济、健康和私人生活方面不存在任何可疑之处。
MH370 vanished from radar screens shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, bound for Beijing, early on March 8 last year, becoming one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.去年3月8日,从吉隆坡飞往北京的马航MH370航班起飞不久后失联,成为航空史上最大的谜案之一。搜寻人员展开了大量搜寻工作,但迄今未找到蛛丝马迹
"The disappearance of MH370 is without precedent, and so too is the search - by far the most complex and technically challenging in aviation history," Najib said in a statement.“MH370客机失联是一起史无前例的事件,搜寻工作在航空史上亦前所未有,为迄今最为复杂且最具技术挑战性的搜寻工作,”纳吉布在声明中称。
"Together with our international partners, we have followed the little evidence that exists. Malaysia remains committed to the search, and hopeful that MH370 will be found," he said.“我们与国际合作伙伴合作追踪目前仅有的一点线索。马方仍致力于搜寻工作,并且希望找到MH370客机,”纳吉布说道。
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