独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-9 11:44

【路透社 20150309】北京到2020年人口将控制在2300万以内

【原文标题】Beijing to try to cap population at 23 million by 2020【中文标题】北京到2020年人口将控制在2300万以内【文章来源】路透社【文章链接】http://cn.reuters.com/article/2015/03/09/china-parliament-capital-idCNKBS0M502020150309
Beijing will try to cap its population at 23 million in 2020, Vice Mayor Li Shixiang said on Friday, as the Chinese capital comes under pressure from a severe water shortage.北京市常务副市长李士祥周五称,到2020年,北京的常住人口将控制在2300万以内。
The city's population has expanded rapidly in recent years, as migrants from other parts of the country arrive seeking jobs.随着外地务工人员不断涌入北京,近年来北京的外来人口迅猛增长。
With a population of 21.5 million people last year, Beijing already exceeds the 2020 target of 18 million set in 2005.去年北京常住人口已达到2,150万,而2005年时设定的2020年北京人口目标才1,800万人。
That has created severe pressure on Beijing and surrounding areas where water scarcity has been made worse by widespread pollution of rivers and groundwater.人口迅猛增长给北京和周边地区带来沉重压力,河流和地下水污染导致水资源问题更加突出。
Beijing is short of 1.5 billion cubic metres of water a year, Li told a gathering of Beijing delegates to the annual meeting of China's parliament on Friday. While the south-north water transfer project will partially ease the shortage, it will not solve the whole problem, he added, referring to the country's ambitious diversion of water from the humid south to arid northern provinces and Beijing.李士祥在两会北京团开放日上指出,北京每年缺水15亿立方米,南水北调虽然让缺水问题有所缓解,但不能根本解决。
"To resolve Beijing's big city disease, there are limits to only relying on Beijing's efforts. We must also make a plan for the wider area," Li said.李士祥指出,要解决北京的大城市病,仅仅靠北京自身的努力是有限的,必须在更大范围内谋划、统筹、推进,京津冀协同发展就是一个必不可少的重要条件。
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