独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-9 11:45

【路透社 20150309】云南称没有接待过缅甸反对派领袖彭家声

The government of the Chinese border province of Yunnan has not played host to an ethnic Chinese Myanmar rebel leader and does not support him in fighting Myanmar's government, the province's top official said on Saturday.云南省委书记李纪恒周六称,云南没有接待过华裔缅甸反对派领导人彭家声,且中国政府没有支持彭家声同缅甸政府对抗。
Peng is believed to have then fled into exile in China, and analysts think his recent return to Kokang is the cause of the latest fighting.分析师们认为彭家声近期重返果敢是最近该地区发生冲突的原因。
Peng and his group have generated public sympathy in China because they are ethnic Chinese, fuelling suspicion he enjoys a level of government support, especially in Yunnan.彭家声及其同盟军因是华裔而引起了中国公众的同情,引发外界担忧彭可能得到了中国政府的支持,尤其是在云南省。
"We oppose any fighting that causes trouble for the people on Yunnan's border," Li said, pointing out that some 60,000 people had fled into Yunnan since the fighting begun.李纪恒称,中国反对任何为中缅边境的云南人民增添麻烦的战事,并指战火已造成60,000难民涌入云南省。
"We certainly do not support Peng Jiasheng to oppose the government with force of arms. We have never supported any armed force to oppose the Myanmar government. We hope the Myanmar government and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army have peace talks."李纪恒称,中国当然没有支持彭家声以武力方式与缅甸政府对抗,中国从未支持任何反缅甸政府的武装力量,并呼吁缅甸政府和缅甸民族民主同盟军进行和平谈判。
Asked whether Peng has been living in Yunnan since 2009 until his return to Kokang this year, Li said: "This wording is not appropriate".当被问及彭家声自2009年直至今年返回果敢前,是否一直在云南居住时,李纪恒称,此话不妥。

"I have always paid a lot of attention to border security and our country's territorial integrity and the people's welfare. I've not discovered that he had been here all along."李纪恒称,一直密切关注边境安全、中国的领土完整和民生问题,且并没有发现彭家声一直在云南生活。
"I can tell you very responsibly we have never hosted Mr Peng," Li said, without elaborating on where Peng might have been.李纪恒称,他可以很负责地讲中国从未接待过彭家声先生,但并未详细说明彭的可能所在。

蓝色焰火 发表于 2015-3-9 16:54

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