独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-10 12:51

【路透社 20150309】王毅谈南海岛礁建设不针对任何人

China's foreign minister on Sunday defended his government's controversial policy of reclamation on disputed isles in the South China Sea which has sparked regional concern, and said Beijing was not seeking to overturn the international order.中国外交部长王毅在“两会”记者会上谈南海岛礁建设时表示,中国在自己的岛礁上开展必要的建设,不针对也不影响任何人。
Wang Yi said China was undertaking "necessary" construction that was not aimed at any third party. "We are not like some countries which have carried out 'illegal building' in other people's home, and we won't accept unwarranted remarks about work on our own home," he said, in apparent criticism of building by some other claimant states.王毅表示,中国的发展建设很有必要,但并不针对任何人,“我们不会像有的国家那样跑到别人家里去搞“违章建筑”,也不会接受在自家院里施工时被人指手画脚。”
Wang said he believed that the current system needed to be updated rather than overturned, to give more say to developing countries, comparing the international order and system built around the United Nations to a big boat. "Today we are in this boat, together with more than 190 other countries. So of course we don't want to upset the boat, rather we want to work with other passengers to make sure this boat will sail forward steadily and in the right direction."王毅将联合国为中心的国际秩序和国际体系比作为一艘大船,称:“今天,我们和190多个国家同在这条船上,我们想的决不是要把船打翻,而是如何和各国共同努力,让这艘大船沿着正确方向开得更稳更好。”
Chinese are just lost. They are 900 miles off course from there boarder. Building there military outposts in somebody's backyard! 离国界900迈远的地方建军事哨所,中国输了。
China is saying Italy can redraw its maps and claim parts of Europe, Africa and Asia since they were once part of the Roman empire. 中国是说意大利可以重画地图然后重新拥有欧洲、非洲、亚洲的部分地区,因为那些都是意大利在罗马帝国时期统治的区域。
Say one thing and do another. 言行相悖。
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