独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-10 12:52

【路透社20150309】中朝领导人何时会晤 “要看双方的方便”

The leaders of China and North Korea will meet when it is convenient for them, China's foreign minister said on Sunday, calling China's isolated neighboring country a friend.中国外交部长王毅周日被问及中朝领导人今年能否实现会晤时称,两国领导人何时会晤,要看双方的方便。他并表示,中朝是友好邻邦。
Ties with China have cooled since Kim took over and then, in 2013, defied international warnings and U.N. sanctions to conduct a third nuclear test.金正恩上任以来,中朝关系有所降温,且朝鲜在2013年无视国际社会警告和联合国制裁,进行了第三次核试验。
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met South Korea's President Park Geun-hye six times since both took office in 2012, underscoring strengthening ties.而中国国家主席习近平与韩国总统朴槿惠自上任以来,已经举行过六次会面,显示中韩关系日益紧密。
"We cherish our traditional friendship with North Korea and we seek the normal development of our relations. The China-North Korea relationship has a strong foundation ... It should not and will not be affected by temporary events."王毅在回答中外记者提问时称:“我们珍视中朝传统友谊,致力于两国关系的正常发展。中朝关系有着牢固基础,不应也不会受一时一事的影响。”
Wang said that it was in the interests of all parties to maintain peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.王毅并指出,维护朝鲜半岛和平稳定,实现半岛无核化,符合各方的共同利益。
"At the moment the situation there has entered into another delicate period. We call on the relevant countries to exercise calm and restraint and say and do things that will have a positive effect so as to continue fostering an atmosphere and conditions for resuming the six-party talks."他补充道:“当前,半岛局势又进入了敏感期,我们呼吁有关国家保持冷静克制,多说正面的话,多办积极的事,为重启六方会谈继续营造气氛,积累条件。

hanhhhh2010 发表于 2015-3-10 13:35

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