独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-11 14:34

【路透社 20150310】广东自贸区将于3月18日挂牌 外国网友评

China plans to launch the Guangdong free trade zone (FTZ) on March 18, less than two years after its Shanghai FTZ was rolled out, according to a trade association in the province.据深圳市跨境电子商务协会称,广东自贸区将于3月18日挂牌。
China announced it would set up three new trade zones in Guangdong, Fujian and Tianjin last December, based on experience drawn from the zone in Shanghai.中国方面去年12月宣布,将根据从上海自贸区吸取的经验,在广东、福建和天津设立三个新的自贸区。
Hu Chunhua, the Communist Party head of Guangdong, and Zhu Xiaodan, the province's governor, would attend the launch ceremony, the Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association said on its microblog.深圳市跨境电子商务协会在其微博称,届时广东省委书记胡春华、省长朱小丹将出席揭牌仪式,并一起为自贸区揭牌。
Good news to hear. Would like to do more business in China.好消息。希望能在中国做更多生意。
It is a chance for the United States, rather than China.对美国来说是个机遇,对中国来说则不是。
Nearly three-quarters of American firms in Shanghai say China's first free trade zone (FTZ) offers them no business benefits almost 18 months after it was established, according to a survey today.根据一个调查显示,在上海自贸区做生意的3/4美国企业称上海自贸区成立18个月以来压根就未曾给予他们商业上的优惠。
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