独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-11 14:36

【路透社 20150310】中国破获两起非法为境外提供国家秘密的案件

China has jailed two men for selling military secrets, including hundreds of photos of the country's lone aircraft carrier, to foreign spies, state media reported on Friday, without saying which countries were buying them.大连日报报导称,近期大连市国家安全局破获了两起为境外窃取、非法提供国家秘密的案件,已批捕两名向外国间谍出售军事机密的男子,但未说明这两人为哪些境外国家间谍服务。涉案军事机密包括500多张“辽宁舰”照片。
The state-controlled Dalian Daily said foreign intelligence services paid the men to send thousands of photos of military targets and projects, as well as recordings and other information.大连日报称,国外情报部门雇佣这两名男子拍摄并发送数千张重要军事目标和军工项目的照片,以及录音和其它信息。
Both were young, "ordinary workers" who used their access to military bases in Dalian, in the northeast, the paper said. One of the men, surnamed Han, was lured by a person posing as a journalist on a popular mobile chat application.该报称,这两人都是年轻的“普通打工者”,多次利用工作的便利条件,从事间谍活动。其中一名姓韩,被一个伪装成记者的微信用户所利诱。
"The enemy hidden on the front lines has shown itself. In recent years foreign spies have used the internet as a battlefield for inciting rebellion within the enemy camp, and some young internet users have become the targets," the paper said. "The methods of the enemy may be cunning, but actually it is completely possible to guard against them."大连日报称,隐蔽战线上的敌情已经显示出,近年来境外间谍情报机关已将互联网作为策反的阵地,一些年轻的网民成为策反目标。敌人的手法虽然很狡猾,但是其实也是完全可以进行防范的。
The other, a 23-year-old surnamed Zhang, travelled to an air show in Beijing last summer and took hundreds of photographs of the Liaoning aircraft carrier. He also collected materials there at the behest of a foreign intelligence operative, the paper said.大连日报称,另外一人姓张,23岁,应一名国外情报特工的请求,于去年夏天到北京某航展会上搜集了大量资料,后又拍摄了数百张“辽宁舰”的照片。
They were eventually caught by public security authorities. Han was sentenced to 8 years in prison on January 29 and Zhang was sentenced to six years on February 12, the paper said.两人最终被中国国家安全机关抓获。韩某于1月29日被判处8年有期徒刑,张某于2月12日被判处6年有期徒刑。

hegieer 发表于 2015-3-14 17:50

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