独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-12 13:34

【路透社 20150312】中国将加强对新西兰输华乳粉检验监管

China will increase scrutiny on milk powder imports from New Zealand, its quality control watchdog said late on Tuesday, after suspected environmental activists threatened to contaminate infant formula in the top global dairy exporter.针对疑似环保分子威胁污染新西兰婴幼儿配方乳粉事件,中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局周二晚称,中国将加强对新西兰输华乳粉检验监管。
New Zealand police said on Tuesday letters were sent to the national farmers' group and dairy giant Fonterra in November accompanied by packages of infant formula laced with poisonous pesticide 1080, formally called sodium fluoroacetate.新西兰警方周二称,去年11月,新西兰全国农民协会和恒天然公司曾收到信件,里面附带有掺着有毒杀虫剂1080(氟乙酸钠)的婴儿奶粉。
The poisoning scare dragged the New Zealand dollar to a six-week low over concerns about the possible impact on the country, which depends on dairy products for about a quarter of its export earnings. China is its biggest dairy buyer.受“奶粉遭投毒”事件影响,新西兰元跌到了六周以来的最低位。新西兰是全球最大乳制品出口国,乳制品占该国总出口额的四分之一。中国是新西兰最大的乳制品购买国。
"China has already taken steps and will demand each batch of milk powder imported from New Zealand has an official New Zealand certificate that it does not contain 1080," China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said in a statement on its website.中国质检总局在网站声明中称:“中方已经采取措施,对新西兰输华乳粉,要求每一批都需附有新西兰官方出具的不含氟乙酸钠证明和进口商提供的不含氟乙酸钠的检测报告,要求经销商在销售配方乳粉前进行逐罐检查,确保包装完好。”
The watchdog said there had been no reported cases of poisoning within China.中国质检总局称,目前中国尚未接报中国境内有奶粉中毒案件。
New Zealand police said no traces of the poison were found in any products in factories. The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) also sought to assure consumers, saying the chances of contamination were extremely low.新西兰警方称没有在工厂乳粉产品中发现任何被污染的迹象。新西兰初级产业部也在向消费者保证,乳粉产品被污染的机会非常小。
China's quality watchdog said Chinese consumers should be cautious when buying milk powder imported from New Zealand and to check packaging for any signs of damage, which people should report to local regulators or police.中国质检总局提醒消费者,在购买、使用新西兰进口婴幼儿配方乳粉和其他配方乳粉时,如发现产品包装有破损或针孔等情况,及时向当地食品药品监督管理部门或公安机关报告。
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