独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-12 13:35

【路透社 20150311】新疆书记称中国有极端分子参加“伊斯兰国”

Chinese extremists have joined the Islamic State and authorities have broken up gangs that returned from fighting abroad, the Communist Party boss of China's western Xinjiang region said on Tuesday, arguing that secrecy was needed to save lives.新疆自治区党委书记张春贤周二称,中国有极端分子参加“伊斯兰国”组织,当局已经打掉从海外归来的团伙。他还表示,未公布一些暴恐案件的原因是考虑到更广大人民的安全。
Around 300 Chinese extremists were fighting with the Islamic State, Chinese state media said in December, but officials have been vague about the extent of the threat.官方媒体去年12月称,约300名中国极端分子加入了“伊斯兰国”,但官员们对威胁的程度措辞含糊。
"I believe Xinjiang has extremists that have joined IS," Xinjiang Communist Party Secretary Zhang Chunxian said at a briefing on the sidelines of China's annual session of parliament.张春贤在两会期间表示,认为新疆有极端分子加入“伊斯兰国”组织。
"Recently, we broke up a few cases involving those who had returned directly after fighting in war," Zhang said, without giving further details.张春贤指出,在最近破获的暴恐案件中,有被捕人员是直接从战场回来的。
"To break the case, to reduce human loss and casualties and ensure security, sometimes you have to keep some things confidential for a time," he said.他表示,为了破案、减少人员伤亡以及确保安全,有时必须对一些事情保密一段时间。
Xinjiang had paid an "enormous price" for stability and development, Zhang said, noting that the rate for the region's police officers "laying down their lives" was 5.4 times higher than for the rest of the country.张春贤表示,新疆为稳定和发展付出了巨大代价,“新疆付出了极大的代价,这个代价如果用数字来量化的话,新疆的公安干警是内地公安干警牺牲率的5.4倍。”
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