独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-12 13:35

【路透社 20150312】中国抨击东盟秘书长有关南海问题言论

China expressed anger on Wednesday at the Vietnamese head of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for comments he made on the disputed South China Sea, rejecting Chinese claims based on the so-called nine-dash line.中国外交部周三对东盟秘书长黎良明有关南海问题的言论表示愤慨,之前这位来自越南的东盟领导人称中国在南海的“九段线”主张不合法。
Le Luong Minh, ASEAN secretary-general and a veteran Vietnamese diplomat, told the Manila Times last week that the grouping rejects China's policy of using the dotted line to assert its sovereignty over myriad islets and reefs in the sea.黎良明上周在接受《马尼拉时报》采访时表示,东盟国家反对中国在南海的“九段线”主张。
ASEAN's economic integration could also be affected by "any hostility or conflict" that could break out, he added.他称,可能爆发的“任何敌意或冲突”还可能会影响到东盟的经济一体化。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that China had always supported ASEAN's economic integration, but that ASEAN was not a party to the South China Sea dispute.中国外交部发言人洪磊表示,中方支持东盟共同体建设,但东盟并非南海有关争议当事方。
"Mr. Le Luong Minh is the ASEAN secretary-general, and on the South China Sea issue has many times made partisan statements that do not accord with the facts nor suit his position," Hong told a daily news briefing. "This is a serious deviation from the neutral position ASEAN and its secretary-general ought to have on the relevant issue, and damages the image of ASEAN as a regional international organisation," he added.“黎良明先生身为东盟秘书长,在南海问题上多次发表不符合事实且与其身份极为不符的倾向性言论,严重背离了东盟及其秘书处在有关问题上理应坚持的中立立场,损害了东盟作为一个地区性国际组织的形象。”洪磊在例行记者会上指出。
The secretary-general should ensure ASEAN stands by its promises of neutrality and not "use public office for private gain", Hong said.洪磊称,黎良明应恪守东盟在南海问题上的中立立场,不要假公济私。

象牙 发表于 2015-3-12 13:47

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