独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-12 13:36

【路透社 20150312】中日韩外长将在本月开会商讨三边峰会等事宜

The foreign ministers of South Korea, Japan and China are preparing to meet this month for their first talks in nearly three years in a bid to resolve tensions over Japan's wartime past and discuss a trilateral summit.韩国、日本及中国外长准备在本月举行会议,旨在解决日本过去战争问题引发的紧张局面,同时商讨三边峰会事宜。
Japanese media reported that the foreign ministers would likely meet in Seoul on March 21 and 22. South Korea said a ministers' meeting is planned for this month, without confirming the dates.日本媒体报导称,中日韩外长可能于3月21-22日在首尔举行会议。韩国称,计划在本月举行一次外长会议,但未确认会议日期。
"If the trilateral foreign ministers’ meeting is held soon, it will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to re-establish the groundwork for trust-building and common prosperity," South Korea's deputy foreign minister Lee Kyung-soo said.“如果很快就举行三边外长会议,那无疑会为我们提供重建建立信任和共同繁荣基础的机会,”韩国外交部次官补李京秀(Lee Kyung-soo)说。
Lee hosted a meeting of his counterparts in Seoul on Wednesday, saying their goal was to make "preparations for a successful foreign ministers’ meeting, upon which we may pave ways for the next step of trilateral cooperation".李京秀周三在首尔主持召开了三国外交部官员参加的会议。他称,他们的目标是“为成功召开外长会议做筹备工作,并且可能会在此基础上为下一步的三边合作铺路”。
The last three-way summit took place in May 2012 in Beijing.中日韩上次的三边峰会是2012年5月在北京举行的。
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