独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-13 14:53

【路透社 20150311】打造冠军企业 提升“中国制造”全球竞争力

(Reuters) - China is poised to embark on a fresh round of industrial consolidation, as part of a sweeping plan to reinvigorate the country’s inefficient state-owned enterprises and raise the global competitiveness of domestic industry.中国准备启动新一轮行业整合,为效率低下的国企注入活力,并提升中国制造业的国际竞争力。
The initiative, dubbed "Made in China 2025", focuses on promoting key sectors, led by railways and nuclear power plant construction, in offshore markets, in Beijing's latest move to create leading international giants.这项规划取名《中国制造2025》,计划以铁路和核电厂建设项目为排头兵,推动重点行业在海外市场的发展,由此造就国际领先的制造业巨头。
"Without size and strength internationalization is fairly difficult," said Li Dongsheng, chief executive of Chinese mobile telephone and television set giant TCL Corp, explaining the rationale behind consolidation.“如果你的规模和实力不够的话去谈国际化是比较艰难的,”TCL集团董事长李东生在解释行业整合的理由时说道。
A restructuring plan, expected to be released before the end of March, will address issues ranging from the establishment of asset management companies to oversee state shareholding, to the introduction of non-state investment and performance-based compensation schemes at government-controlled firms, experts say.专家称,相关的重组方案预计会在3月底前出台,包括建立管理国有资产的资产管理公司,引入非政府性投资、与业绩挂钩的国企负责人薪酬制度等内容。
Improving the efficiency at state-owned enterprises (SOEs), which dominate crucial sectors of China's economy, is critical as the country struggles to maintain the breakneck pace of growth it has delivered for two decades.对于竭力保持经济快速增长的中国而言,提高在重点经济领域占主导地位的国企的经营效率至关重要。
Premier Li Keqiang outlined the "2025" strategy, which also includes promoting machinery and communications equipment, automobiles, aircraft and electronics, in his address to the annual gathering of China's rubber-stamp parliament, which concludes later this week.在今年的人大会议上,中国国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告中提出了 “中国制造2025”概念,为中国工业转型描绘了蓝图。
"China wants to create more globally competitive businesses," said Andrew Baston, research director of consultancy Gavekal Dragonomics in Beijing. "One way to do that is to force companies to become larger."“中国希望打造在国际市场更具竞争力的企业,”位于北京的咨询公司龙洲经讯(Gavekal Dragonomics)的研究主管Andrew Baston说。“要实现目标,办法之一就是迫使企业变大。”
China has been experimenting with the creation of large, globally-competitive groups since the 15th Communist Party Congress in 1997. While mergers in the nuclear and railway industry anchor the current round of consolidation, Beijing may further shake-up other top manufacturers, as it seeks to create more national champions and boost exports of high-end equipment.自1997年召开中共第十五次全国代表大会以来,中国就一直在试验打造具有全球竞争力的大型集团企业。当前的行业整合以核能和铁路行业为立足点,但当局可能进一步推动其他大型制造企业重组,打造更多的冠军企业,同时提振高端装备的出口。
On the same day last week that Li introduced the 2025 plan, the country's state assets regulator approved the tie-up of leading train makers China CNR Corp Ltd and China CSR Corp Ltd., after the two companies announced a merger plan in December.就在李克强提出要实施“中国制造2025”的同一天,中国南车和中国北车的合并方案获得国资委的批准。这两家公司是中国最大的轨道交通装备制造商,于去年12月宣布了合并计划。
In February, China Power Investment Corp (CPI) and State Nuclear Power Technology Corp (SNPTC) announced they were exploring a merger, to create a group which analysts estimate would have total assets of more than $96 billion.今年2月,中国电力投资集团公司(CPI)和国家核电技术公司(SNPTC)宣布,两家公司正在探索进行合并,以打造一个据分析师预测总资产超过960亿美元的集团企业。
"Consolidation for China must be seen from a global perspective," said Zhu Jianfang, chief economist at CITIC Securities in Beijing. "I believe there would be some more consolidation in various industries."“中国现在的整合应该从全球配置的角度来看,”中信证券首席宏观经济学家诸建芳表示。“我觉得更多行业会出现整合。”
Beijing is also likely to use mergers to create more champions in the shipbuilding, electronics and construction sectors, industry experts say.行业专家称,中国政府还可能通过合并方式,在造船、电子及建筑行业打造更多的冠军企业。
Some industry leaders and analysts, nonetheless, are skeptical that state-dictated mergers will create stronger, more globally-competitive state enterprises. They noted that the expansion of major SOEs in the past decade was fueled by cheap loans and subsidies, and the growth came at the expense of efficiencies.但一些行业领导者和分析人士对政府主导的行业整合能够打造更具竞争力的大型国企持怀疑态度。他们指出,过去10年主要国企蓬勃扩张归功于低息贷款和补贴,这些国企的成长付出了牺牲效率的代价。
Chinese oil and gas industry experts say the sector might undergo some asset restructuring, but they shrugged off an overseas newspaper report last month that China would merge two of the country's largest state-owned oil groups, China National Petroleum Corp and Sinopec Group.中国油气行业专家称,中国油气行业可能出现一些资产重组,但他们对有关中石油和中石化合并的外媒报导则不以为然。
Such a merger would create a monopoly too big to manage and hurt Chinese consumers, they say.他们表示,这种合并会产生巨型垄断企业,不仅大到难以管理,还会伤害中国的消费者。
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