独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-13 14:54

【路透社 20150312】网友评“中国呼吁日本坚持过往的道歉声明”

China will question Japan's commitment to peace if it adopts an ambiguous or defiant stance regarding its wartime actions, Beijing's ambassador to Tokyo told the English-language China Daily newspaper in an interview published on Friday.中国驻日本大使程永华日前接受中国日报采访称,如果日本对历史侵略行为采取模棱两可或者挑衅的立场,中国将质疑日本的和平承诺。中国日报周五发表了这篇访谈。
China hopes Japan will "take a correct attitude, stick to its previous correct positions and statements, including the Murayama Statement. We also expect that Japan will remain on the pathway of peace", Cheng Yonghua was quoted as saying.中国希望日本能够“采取正确态度,坚持先前的正确立场和包括村山谈话在内的声明。我们也希望日本能够坚持和平的道路,”中国日报援引程永华的说法称。
In landmark comments known as the Murayama Statement, Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama made a "heartfelt apology" in 1995 for the wartime damage and suffering caused by Japan.1995年,时任日本首相的村山富市发表了一篇具有里程碑意义的声明,后称“村山谈话”,对日本殖民统治和侵略造成的损害和痛苦进行“衷心道歉”。
"If Tokyo attempts to tackle the war incorrectly, or to impose ambiguity or defiance upon its war-related actions, we will worry about it further honoring the pathway of peace," Cheng said.“如果日本试图以不正确的姿态处理过往的侵略历史,或者对侵略历史采取模棱两可或者挑衅的姿态,我们将担忧日本能否进一步遵守和平道路的承诺,”程说道。
On Tuesday, Murayama told Reuters that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe risked further alienating neighbors if he does not stick to the substance of the 1995 apology for wartime aggression.村山富市周二向路透表示,安倍晋三若不能坚持1995日本政府做出的对历史侵略行为道歉的实质内容,可能导致与中国及韩国等邻国的关系进一步疏远。
China must apologize to Americans for the US POWs sent from North Korea and Vietnam to Russia. 中国要向美国人道歉,因为美国战俘曾被从朝鲜和越南遣送到俄罗斯。
Why should Japanese keep apologize for the things happened 70 years (almost a century ago), which they had no part in it. I wouldn't want to be haunted by my father's unpaid debts.为什么日本要为70年前(接近一个世纪以前)的事情而道歉,他们根本没有关系,我才不想整天被我父亲欠下的债困扰着。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-13 15:24



zzhga 发表于 2015-3-13 15:35

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