独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-14 15:17

【路透社20150313】梦想工作难寻 美国学生来华学中文兴趣降温

American students are getting cold feet about studying Chinese in China, with many study abroad programs in the country seeing a substantial drop in enrolment over the last few years.美国学生对到中国学中文的兴趣下滑,最近几年,美国许多留学项目的注册人数明显减少。
At the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), student enrolment in programs in China is expected to be less than half the level it was only four years ago. Washington-based CET, another leading study abroad group, says interest in China has been falling since 2013.美国加州大学的海外教育项目(UCEAP)里,到中国留学的学生注册人数预计不足四年前的一半。另一家领先的留学团体华盛顿CET称,自2013年以来,美国学生对留学中国的兴趣持续下滑
The apparent waning of interest worries some China watchers. Given the importance of the U.S.-China relationship, having a group of Americans across different industries who speak Chinese and understand the culture is "a matter of national interest", says Robert Daly, director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Wilson Center in Washington.美国学生到中国留学的兴趣明显下降,令一些中国观察家感到忧虑。华盛顿威尔逊国际学者中心(Wilson Center)下属的基辛格中美关系研究所的主任Robert Daly称,鉴于中美关系的重要性,培养一批在不同行业、能够说中文并且理解中国文化的美国人是“关乎国家利益”的事情。
"We can't respond coherently, effectively and fully to China unless we understand China on its own terms," he said.“除非我们能够以中国的方式了解中国,要不然我们无法清楚、有效、充分地对中国作出回应,”他说道。
The Institute of International Education says the number of U.S. students studying in China fell 3.2 percent in 2012-13 to 14,413, even as overall study abroad numbers rose modestly.国际教育协会称,2012年至2013年间,远赴中国的美国留学生减少了3.2%,降至14,413人,而同期美国总体留学人数小幅上涨。
American students' apparent loss of interest contrasts with Chinese students' clamor for a U.S. education. The number of Chinese studying in the United States jumped 16.5 percent in 2013-14 to more than 274,000.与美国学生明显的兴趣不足相比,中国学生对赴美留学趋之若鹜。2013年至2014年间,中国留美学生大增16.5%,达到274,000人。
For U.S. students, China's notorious pollution is a concern. Job opportunities are another. As multinationals in China hire mostly local Chinese, a growing percentage of whom have studied abroad, they have less need for foreigners who speak Chinese.对于美国学生来说,中国的环境污染令人担忧。工作机会是另一个问题。在华跨国公司现在大多雇佣中国人--其中有越来越多的人具备留学经历,因此对能够讲中文的老外需求减少。
"I came to China thinking I could learn Chinese and get a high paying job. I learned very quickly that was not the case," said Ian Weissgerber, a 25-year-old American graduate student in China. "A lot of Chinese can speak English just as well as I can, and Chinese is their native tongue too."“当初我到中国的时候在想,可以学会中文,然后谋个高薪职位。但很快我就明白了,事情可不是我想的那样,”25岁的美国留中研究生Ian Weissgerber说道。“很多中国人英语讲得跟我一样好,而且他们的母语就是中文。”
Gordon Schaeffer, research director at UCEAP, says surveys suggest the decline in study abroad programs in China might also reflect students' migration to science and technology majors, where courses need to be taken in sequence.UCEAP的研究主管Gordon Schaeffer称,调查显示留学中国项目人数减少也反映了学生更多转向学习科学和技术专业,而这些专业的课程需要依次进行。
Wang Huiyao, president of the Center for China and Globalization and the author of a report on foreign students in China, says there are too few agents in the United States bringing students to China to study, and bemoans the U.S. government's inability to force universities to send more American students there.中国与全球化研究中心主任、在华外国留学生报告的作者王辉耀称,向中国输送留学生的美国机构太少,并埋怨美国政府无力推动美国大学向中国输送更多美国学生。
NO PAY-OFF?留学中国不值当?
When students do come to China, they are increasingly coming for shorter periods of time, and often for trips that involve more travel than language study, study abroad executives say.留学行业的高管们称,学生们在中国留学的期间越来越短,并且更多的是参加旅行多于语言学习的项目。
Last year's total Chinese enrolment was "the lowest in a decade", said Professor Thomas Moran, chair of Middlebury's Chinese department.位于美国佛蒙特州的明德学院(Middlebury College)是一所私立文理学院,以语言教学闻名于世。明德学院中文系主任Thomas Moran教授称,去年中文系注册学生人数为“十年来最低”。
"It really comes down to money," says John Thomson, a veteran China study abroad executive. "You're taking yourself out of the job market for a couple years to study an extremely difficult language with no guaranteed pay-off at the end."“归根结底,就是钱的问题,” 中国留学行业的资深高管John Thomson称。“留学中国意味着放下工作,花几年时间学习一门难度极高的语言,而且还没法保证物有所值。”

c0215 发表于 2015-3-14 15:52




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