独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-14 15:18

【路透社 20150313】你信吗?奥巴马称不发短信更没有智能手机

President Barack Obama doesn't send text messages, rarely composes his own tweets, and isn't allowed to have a smart phone that contains a recording device, he said on Thursday. 美国总统奥巴马周四称,他不发短信,很少发推文(tweet),不被允许拥有包含录音设备的智能手机。
And don't ask him for Hillary Clinton's email address. He won't give it to you.不要问他要希拉里·克林顿的电邮地址,他不会给你的。
"I do not physically tweet in general," the president said in an interview on the ABC program "Jimmy Kimmel Live."“总体来说,我不会亲自发推文,”奥巴马在美国广播公司吉米现场秀(Jimmy Kimmel Live)节目接受采访时说道。
"I don't text. I email. I still have a Blackberry," he said.“我不发短信。我写电邮。我仍有一部黑莓手机,”奥巴马称。
Obama said his teenaged daughters had smart phones and exchanged text messages with their friends, but he was limited for security reasons from having the latest technology.奥巴马表示,他的女儿们拥有智能手机,也会和她们的朋友发短信;但他因安全原因受到限制。
"I can't use phones with recorders in them. So a lot of the new fangled stuff, for security reasons, I don't get," he said.“我不能使用包含录音功能的手机。因此,出于安全原因,很多新流行的东西我都不能用。”
In a reference to the email controversy that has dogged Obama's former secretary of state, host Jimmy Kimmel asked the president if he had Clinton's new email address. "I can't share it with you. I don't think she'd want you to have it, frankly," Obama deadpanned.主持人吉米问奥巴马是否有希拉里新的电邮地址,奥巴马面无表情地回答称:“我不会告诉你的。坦白说,我觉得她不希望你获得她的电邮地址。”
Asked generally about life at the White House, Obama said it had been a long time since he had cooked anything or driven a car.当被问及白宫的生活时,奥巴马表示,自己很长时间没做饭或者开车了。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-14 16:03

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