独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-14 15:19

【路透社 20150313】企业出招讨好消费者 提防被央视3·15节目点名

From cut-price apple pies to free iPads, companies in China are transforming Sunday's dreaded consumer rights day into a shopping frenzy, to blunt the impact of being named and shamed in state broadcaster CCTV's annual expose.从苹果派打折到免费抽iPad,在华企业正在将周日的3·15消费者权益日变成疯狂购物节,以抵消万一被央视点名造成的影响。
McDonald's Corp is discounting pies three years after food safety lapses made it a one-time target of the broadcaster's "3.15" show, while e-commerce giant JD.com Inc is giving away tablet computers over four days of "crazy sales" ending Sunday.麦当劳的派打折,京东在“疯抢四天”活动中推出iPad抽奖。
"Companies are being preemptive, making consumer day a positive story," said James Feldkamp, chief executive officer of consumer watchdog MingJian. "If you're going to be a target, at least you're already doing something to balance it out."“各家公司都先发制人,在消费者权益日树立正面形象,”消费明鉴首席执行官James Feldkamp说道。“如果成为目标,至少做点事情抵消一下。”
The investigative news show, broadcast every World Consumer Rights Day, is in tune with a government drive to boost consumer protection laws and toughen punishments for misleading shoppers. 央视3·15节目符合政府推行《消费者权益保护法》和加大对误导消费者行为处罚力度的导向。
The 3.15 show drew a rare apology from Apple Inc in 2013 after criticizing the iPad maker's customer service, and leveled a similar charge at camera manufacturer Nikon Corp last year. Similar broadcasts have dragged down China sales at McDonald's and KFC parent Yum Brands Inc.2013年苹果被央视晚会曝光后,该公司罕见地作出了道歉。尼康、麦当劳和肯德基等都曾被曝光。
Such is the show's impact that in recent years firms have increasingly prepared for shocks by buttering up consumers.因此各家公司近几年都在讨好消费者,为可能到来的冲击加大准备。
Ahead of this year's March 15, former target Wal-Mart Stores Inc has deals on electronics and cosmetics on its online supermarket Yihaodian, and a "say no to fakes" campaign echoing government calls to outlaw counterfeit goods. Dealers of fellow victim Volkswagen AG also have 3.15 discounts.在3·15到来之前,沃尔玛启动了向假货说不的行动,响应政府号召。大众汽车的经销商也推出了3·15打折活动。
Online retail giant Suning Commerce Group is giving away 30 million cartons of milk, yoghurt and other dairy products for as little as 20 cents each over five days ending on Saturday.苏宁云商在截止到周六的五天里,以最低0.2元的价格销售奶粉、酸奶和其他奶制品。
JD.com and Volkswagen declined to comment. Suning did not respond to emails seeking comment.京东和大众汽车拒绝置评。苏宁云商对置评请求未作回复。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-14 16:04

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