独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-15 12:03

【路透社 20150313】专家呼吁到2040年实现无烟世界

A world virtually free of tobacco and its devastating health consequences could be a reality within 30 years if governments showed political will and took stronger action against cigarette companies, health experts said on Friday.卫生专家称,如果各国政府展现出政治意愿,并且对烟草企业采取更严厉的措施,那么将有望在30年内实现基本上的无烟世界,从而消除吸烟对健康的毁灭性影响。
The international group of public health and policy specialists, writing in The Lancet medical journal, said sale of tobacco should be phased out worldwide by 2040 and called for a "turbo-charged" international effort against its use.公共卫生及政策方面的专家在《柳叶刀》发表文章称,到2040年时应该在全球范围取消烟草销售,他们还呼吁国际社会采取“涡轮增压”式的努力应对烟草的使用。
A billion people are forecast to die this century from smoking and other forms of tobacco use if control efforts are not stepped up. More than 80 percent of those deaths will be in poor and middle-income countries.如果不加大控制力度,预计在本世纪会有10亿人死于吸烟和其他形式的烟草使用,这些人中超过80%的来自贫困和中等收入国家。
"A world where tobacco is out of sight, out of mind, and out of fashion -- yet not prohibited -- is achievable in less than three decades... but only with full commitment from governments, international agencies, such as United Nations and World Health Organization, and civil society," said Robert Beaglehole of the University of Auckland in New Zealand, one of the experts.“一个看不到、想不到、不流行烟草的世界可在不到30年的时间内实现……但这需要政府、以及像联合国、世界卫生组织(WHO)这样的国际机构和民间社会组织全力以赴,”其中的一位专家、奥克兰大学的Robert Beaglehole说。
Describing a "tobacco-free" world as one where less than 5 percent of adults use it, he added: "The time has come for the world to acknowledge the unacceptability of the damage being done by the tobacco industry and work towards a world essentially free from the... sale of tobacco products."Beaglehole称,“无烟”世界指的是使用烟草的成年人不到5%。“已经到了世界承认烟草行业带来的伤害不可接受、努力让世界基本上不存在……烟草产品销售的时候了。”
Tobacco kills some 6 million people a year worldwide, according to the WHO. And besides lung cancer, which is caused by smoking and is often fatal, smoking is also a major risk factor for a range of other illnesses. 根据WHO,全球一年内大约有600万人死于使用烟草。吸烟除了引发肺癌以外,还是引发一系列其他疾病的主要风险因素。
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