独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-15 12:04

【路透社 20150310】Apple Watch遭时尚界冷遇

3月9日苹果发布会上展示的Apple Watch
Apple Inc. has made every effort to convince the fashion world that the Apple Watch is the next chic accessory. 苹果竭尽全力试图让时尚界相信,Apple Watch是下一个时髦流行佩饰。
Supermodel Christy Turlington Burns became the timepiece's highest-profile advocate from the fashion world when she joined CEO Tim Cook onstage in San Francisco on Monday. And the company has made a big publicity push in Paris, giving style heavyweights Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour and model Karlie Kloss an advance preview ahead of a display last fall at the Paris boutique Colette.美国名模Christy Turlington Burns周六在洛杉矶与库克同台亮相,成为Apple Watch在时尚界最令人瞩目的拥趸。苹果亦在巴黎展开营销大戏,去年秋天在巴黎时尚精品店Colette举行的一场演示之前,苹果就已让时尚大腕卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld)、安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)和超级名模卡莉·克劳斯(Karlie Kloss)先睹了Apple Watch的芳容。
But has it convinced the fashionistas that the Apple Watch belongs on their wrists? Not so far.但苹果是否已令时尚界相信,Apple Watch就是一款时髦手表呢?目前看来,并非如此。
For all of the glitz surrounding the watch's introduction, the multi-tasking timepiece was met in the fashion world Monday with a yawn.Apple Watch的推出引发了无数骚动与期待,但这款多功能智能手表周一发布时,时尚界的反应却殊为冷淡。
Members of the style establishment, in Paris for shows from the glittering likes of Chanel, Givenchy and Hermes mostly said they saw the watch as a gadget, not this season's must-have accessory.来自香奈儿、纪梵希、爱马仕等时尚界明星品牌、在巴黎参加时装周的时尚达人们大多表示,他们认为这款手表不过是科技产品,而非当季必备单品。
Up-and-coming model Julia Van Os dismissed the new device in an interview with Reuters after working the Stella McCartney show inside the ornate Opera house.在奢华靓丽的巴黎歌剧院内参加完一场斯特拉·麦卡特尼走秀之后,崭露头角的模特Julia Van Os接受路透采访,对这款新设备不屑一顾。
"I haven't heard anyone talking about it," said the Dutch model. "It's a different world, it's more technology rather than fashion. People don't wear that kind of watch in fashion."“我还没有听到谁在谈论这款手表,”这位荷兰模特说道。“Apple Watch与时尚并不沾边,它更多关乎科技而非时尚。时尚界的人可不想戴那种手表。”
A salesman at the famed department store Printemps agreed, saying his store won't carry the watch.知名百货商店巴黎春天百货的一位销售员也有同感,称该店不会销售Apple Watch。
French newspapers put coverage of Monday's Apple watch unveiling on their business pages, reserving their popular glossy fashion pages for the winter runway shows and ads for luxurious items such as watches by Bulgari and Boucheron.法国报纸将Apple Watch周一的发布会放在商业版面中,而将光滑时尚的版面留给宝格丽和宝诗龙等名表的冬季走秀和广告。
Luxury consultant Robert Burke, who is based in New York but is currently in Paris for the shows, said the Apple watch simply "hasn't resonated strongly" in the fashion world."Apple has notably been targeting the fashion world leading up to its launch, but the watch still has an inherently tech focused sensibility," Burke said.奢侈品顾问Robert Burke表示,Apple Watch就是“无法获得时尚界的强烈共鸣”。“在发布会之前,苹果很显然一直瞄准时尚界,但这款手表给人的感觉依然是科技产品,”Burke说道。
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