独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-15 12:05

【路透社 20150313】香港抗议导致内地赴港旅行团数量大幅下滑

The number of mainland Chinese tour groups visiting Hong Kong plunged about 80 percent in early March as rising anti-mainland sentiment and a series of protests deterred many from crossing the border, underscoring a deepening divide between both sides.3月初中国内地赴港旅行团数量下降约80%,因香港对内地的反感情绪上升和一系列抗议活动令很多人对去香港望而却步。
Tensions have escalated in recent weeks, with local activists accusing mainland visitors of crowding public transport and buying up everything from infant milk formula to diapers.香港与内地的关系近几周越发紧张,香港本地人士指责内地游客占用香港的公共交通资源,以及大量购买奶粉和尿布等产品。
Protesters have confronted visitors in shopping malls close to the border, complaining that they are pushing up prices, blocking roads and generally being a nuisance.抗议者在口岸附近的购物中心与游客对质,抱怨游客推高物价和引发交通拥堵。
"We used to handle roughly 400 to 500 tours a day, but now it's only over 100 per day. It happened between the end of February and the beginning of March," said Paul Leung, chairman of The Hong Kong Inbound Travel Association.“以前我们每天接待400-500个旅行团,现在一天只有100多。这是2月底到3月初的情况。”香港入境旅游接待协会主席Paul Leung说道。
More than 40 million mainland Chinese visited the city last year, far outstripping the local population of 7.2 million.去年超过4,000万内地游客前往香港,而香港只有720万人口。
The Hong Kong protesters have waved colonial-era flags and yelled at the tourists to go home, triggering clashes that have forced police to use pepper spray and some shops to close.香港抗议者挥舞殖民地时代的旗帜,向游客高喊回家,引发冲突,警方被迫使用辣椒喷雾剂,一些店铺被迫关门。
Mainland visitors have expressed shock, saying Hong Kong people are rude.内地游客表示震惊,称香港人粗鲁。

两怀 发表于 2015-3-15 12:44


fshysh 发表于 2015-3-15 14:19


尼泊尔岩羊 发表于 2015-3-21 16:23


sixingguan 发表于 2015-3-24 00:23

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