独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-15 12:05

【路透社 20150309】2014年是商业航空史上最安全的一年--IATA

Last year was by some measures the safest in the history of commercial aviation, despite two high-profile crashes involving Malaysia Airlines aircraft in which hundreds of people were killed, a leading industry body said on Monday.尽管去年发生了两起与马航客机相关的高调空难事件,但国际航空运输协会(IATA)周一称,按某些标准看去年是商业航空史上最安全的一年。
While more people died in air accidents in 2014 than the average in recent years, the number of fatal accidents compared with the total number of flights was a record low, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA).根据IATA,虽然2014年空难死亡人数超过近几年的平均水平,但空难次数与航班总数相比却处于历史低位。
"While aviation safety was in the headlines in 2014, the data show that flying continues to improve its safety performance," said Tony Tyler, IATA's director general and chief executive officer, in a statement.“虽然航空安全是2014年的头版头条,但数据显示航空安全性在继续改善,”IATA总干事兼执行长泰勒(Tony Tyler)在声明中称。
IATA, which represents about 250 airlines, said in an annual safety report that there were 12 fatal accidents in 2014 with 641 fatalities, versus 19 fatal accidents and 517 fatalities per year in the five-year period between 2009 and 2013.IATA在年度安全报告中称,2014年发生12起空难,641人遇难。在2009-2013年五年期间,每年平均空难数为19起,每年平均遇难人数为517人。
IATA's 2014 statistics did not include the loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, which was shot down by a surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile in Ukraine last June and so not classified as an accident.该协会2014年的数据不包括马航MH17客机失事事件。马航MH17客机去年6月在乌克兰上空被地对空防空导弹击落,未被归类为事故。
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