独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-16 16:22

【路透社 20150316】“亨利族”成中国奢侈品消费大户

Global luxury brands expanding in China are better off targeting the HENRYs - "high earners, not rich yet" - instead of the ultra-wealthy, as a slowing economy and a government that frowns on official excesses usher in an era of less showy spending.在中国经济放缓和官方治理公款消费之际,在中国市场扩张的全球奢侈品品牌正在瞄准“亨利族”(HENRYs--收入高但不富裕的人群),而非超级富豪。
HENRYs believe less is more. These younger spenders pride themselves on their individualism and snub the ostentatiously branded handbags and accessories loved by the "secretary" types. Fuelling their shopping habits are social media, multi-brand retail websites such as Beijing-based ShangPin.com and Italy's Yoox, eclectic boutiques, and high-end department stores like Lane Crawford and Galeries Lafayette.“亨利族”崇尚少即是多。这些年轻人为他们的个人主义感到自豪,对中国官员消费群体钟爱的奢侈品牌包包和饰品嗤之以鼻。社交媒体、尚品网、意大利奢侈品电商Yoox 等品牌零售网站、连卡佛及老佛爷等高端百货店在中国出现,助涨了这些人的购物习惯。
Chinese customers aged 25-35 are Yoox's top spenders, International Markets Director Luca Martines told Reuters, adding that they are willing to mix niche labels with big brands. Labels considered niche such as Celine and 3.1 Phillip Lim are among the "hottest" sectors, according to a report last week by online luxury magazine Jing Daily, citing branding and marketing experts.International Markets的Luca Martines对路透称,年龄在25-35岁之间的中国消费者是Yoox开销最大的人群,这些人愿意将大品牌与小众品牌(niche label)混搭。根据《精日传媒》(Jing Daily)援引品牌营销专家在上周发布的一份报告,像Celine、3.1 Phillip Lim等小众品牌,都属于“炙手可热”的品牌类别。
Affordable labels like Tory Burch, Longines and Michael Kors are also in demand, while pricier, more conventional labels including Cartier, Louis Vuitton and Gucci have been hit by a "cold front", the Jing Daily report added.《精日传媒》报告称,一些价格亲民的品牌也很受欢迎,譬如Tory Burch、浪琴(Longines)、Michael Kors等;价格较高的传统品牌则遇冷,当中包括卡地亚、LV及古驰(Gucci)等。
"The Chinese consumer is now more educated and less conformist, which means they are less inclined to look like a secretary and go for luxury brands that are overdeveloped," said Lionel Roudaut, head of fashion design and textile at Singapore's LASALLE College of the Arts. "The Internet has also given them access to products not available before."“中国的消费者如今都接受过更多的教育,不是那么的墨守成规,这意味着他们不太愿意像官员那样,购买发展过度的奢侈品品牌,”新加坡拉萨尔艺术学院时装设计与纺织系负责人Lionel Roudaut说。“互联网也让他们能够买到以前没办法买到的产品。”
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