独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-16 16:23

【路透社 20150310】日本加快扶持无人机行业 期成国际竞争优势

The government of Japan, a country with a proven track record in electronics and robotics, is looking to fast track industry-friendly regulation to give its drone sector an edge over the United States.日本政府正在寻求加快制定有利于无人机行业发展的监管规定,以形成对美国同业的竞争优势。
Companies from motorcycle maker Yamaha Motor to security firm Secom Co are readying drone technology and services, as advisers to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe drive a regulatory overhaul.从摩托车制造商雅马哈到安全公司Secom Co的日本企业都拥有无人机技术和服务,而首相安倍晋三任命的顾问们正在推动对该行业的监管进行改革。
The Robot Revolution Realization Committee, an advisory panel appointed by Abe, will review existing radio and civil aeronautics laws and set up industry-run best practice for drones. Another panel is asking companies for ideas on how to open up new special economic zones in Tokyo and other big cities to drones on a test basis. The Fukushima area, blighted by the 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster, could also become a "field test zone" for robots and drones, largely free of regulation.机器人革新实现委员会(RRRC)是安倍晋三任命的一个咨询委员会,将对现有的无线电和民用航空法规进行评估,并制定无人机行业规范。另一个委员会则正在向企业征求意见,即如何在东京和其他大城市新设试验性无人机的经济特区。曾在2011年遭遇海啸和核泄漏灾难的福岛地区也可能成为机器人和无人机的“现场试验区”,且基本上不受监管约束。
"We want to keep an eye on the world's drone market, starting with the United States, and consider Japan's way of doing things," said Tamotsu Nomakuchi, who heads the robot panel. "It's not about copying other markets, but learning about them and creating something better."“我们要关注全球无人机市场,从美国开始,考虑日本的发展方式,”RRRC负责人Tamotsu Nomakuchi说道。“这不是要复制其他市场,而是要学习他们并创造更好的产品。”
The only aviation regulations covering drones in Japan require that they fly below 150 meters and at least 9 kms (5.6 miles) away from airports. Drones used in agriculture need two operators, with precautions for the surrounding environment.日本唯一涉及无人机的航空法规要求这些飞机要在低于150米的空域飞行,且要远离机场至少9公里。农业领域的无人机需要两名操作人员,并对周围环境采取预防措施。
Japan has been using drones in its farming industry since the 1980s, when an unmanned Yamaha R-50 helicopter took to the air to spray pesticide on rice crops. Today, more than 2,500 agriculture drones are in operation.日本自1980年代开始在农业上使用无人机,当时无人驾驶的雅马哈R-50直升机能够为稻田喷洒农药。现在,在农业领域使用中的无人机已经超过2,500架。
Yamaha is now looking to adapt its drone technology for patrolling Japan's borders or for checking oil and gas pipelines, spokesman Kenji Otsuki told Reuters.雅马哈发言人Kenji Otsuki告诉路透,该公司现在寻求将无人机技术应用到边境巡逻和油气管线检查领域。
Secom will this month launch a service for small businesses that includes having a surveillance drone that can be scrambled to take photos of an intruder when an alarm sounds. Spokeswoman Asuka Saito said the company also wants to pitch its security drones for use at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.Secom本月将启动一项专为小企业的服务,包括使用监控无人机对闯入者进行拍照。该公司发言人Asuka Saito表示,Secom还希望在2020年的东京奥运会上使用其安保无人机。
Partly due to the lack of regulations for outdoor test flights, Ryo Konomura, one of the founders of Tokyo University's Phenox Lab, developed an indoor drone with artificial intelligence capability.部分由于缺少室外测试飞行的监管规定,东京大学Phenox实验室的创始人之一Ryo Konomura开发了一款具备人工智能的室内无人机。
Japanese drone industry supporters have dubbed 2015 "Year One of the Era of the Drone."日本的无人机行业支持者将2015年称为“无人机时代的元年”。
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