独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-17 12:59

【路透社 20150316】缅甸称缅中将联合调查军机炸弹事件

Myanmar expressed "deep sorrow" on Monday for the deaths of five people across the border in China's Yunnan province.缅甸周一对缅甸军机炸弹落入中方境内、造成五人死亡一事表示“深切悲痛”。
China has said a bomb fell from a Myanmar aircraft on a sugarcane field in Yunnan on Friday, killing four people and wounding nine. One of the injured later died.中方曾表示,周五缅甸军机炸弹落入云南一片甘蔗地中,造成四人死亡,九人受伤。后来其中一名伤者身亡。
On Saturday, a senior officer said China's military would take "decisive" measures if there was a repeat attack by Myanmar forces on its territory. Beijing also summoned the Myanmar ambassador to register a protest.中国中央军委副主席范长龙周六称,绝不能再次发生此类事件,否则,中国军队将采取“坚决果断”措施,保护中国人民生命财产安全。中国已紧急召见缅甸驻华大使,对此事提出严正交涉。
Myanmar has said the bomb may have been lobbed by rebels it is fighting in the Kokang region bordering China.缅甸称,炸弹有可能是果敢反叛武装所投掷。
"We would like to express our deep sorrow for (the) death and injuries of Chinese nationals living in border areas as a consequence," the government said in a statement published in the state-backed Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper.“我们对由此造成的生活在边境地区的中国公民的死伤一事深表悲痛,”缅甸政府在官方报纸《缅甸环球新光报》发表声明称。
It added that the two countries' foreign and defense ministries were in direct contact over an investigation into the incident. "(A) thorough investigation will also be made whether the Kokang insurgent group is involved in this incident to have a negative impact on the friendship between Myanmar and China and to create instability along the border area."缅甸政府称,缅中两国的外交与国防部门正在就调查进行直接接触。“将对果敢反叛组织是否卷入这起对缅中友谊产生负面影响并造成边界地区不稳定的事件进行全面调查。”
However, the Global Times, an influential tabloid published by the official People's Daily, said in an editorial that the best way for China to ensure stability along its border was to actively push for peace in northern Myanmar.《环球时报》在一篇社评中称,对中国来说,保证边境稳定的最佳途径是积极推动缅甸北部的和平。
"If (we) can help Myanmar to effect ethnic reconciliation and lasting peace, that will have the most thorough positive effect. In reality, this ought to be the long-term direction of China's developing diplomatic power."“如果能帮助缅甸实现民族和解及永久和平,它们能带来的积极效果将更彻底。其实这应是中国发展综合外交实力的长远方向。”
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