独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-17 13:00

【路透社 20150316】中国取代德国成为全球第三大武器出口国--报告

China has surpassed Germany to become the world's third largest arms exporter, a Stockholm-based think tank said in a report on Monday.斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(Stockholm International Peace Research Institute)周一发布报告称,中国取代德国成为全球第三大武器出口国。
Exports of major arms from the world's second largest economy grew 143 percent over the years 2010 to 2014, versus the previous five-year period, when China had ranked ninth globally, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said in a report.报告指出,2010-2014年这五年,中国武器出口较之前的五年增加143%,当时中国武器出口在全世界排名第九。
"Asian countries continue to expand their military capabilities, with an emphasis on maritime assets," Siemon Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme, said in a news release.“亚洲国家继续扩大军备,尤其是海洋军备,”斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所武器和军事支出计划高级研究员Siemon Wezeman在新闻发布会上说道。
More than 68 percent of Chinese exports went to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Beijing also sold major arms to 18 African states.超过68%的中国武器出口目的地为巴基斯坦、孟加拉和缅甸。中国还向18个非洲国家大量出售武器。
Analysts say Chinese-made equipment has found eager buyers among countries at odds with the United States and its allies.分析师指出,那些与美国及其盟国不和的国家愿意购买中国武器。
China was "extremely cautious and responsible" with its weapons exports, the country's Foreign Ministry said on Monday.中国外交部发言人洪磊周一在例行记者会上表示,中国在武器出口方面一向采取“慎重、负责”的态度。
"We follow principles of helping the receiving country with its reasonable self-defense capabilities, not damaging global and regional peace and stability, and not interfering in the receiving country's internal politics," Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a regular briefing.“在恪守安理会决议等国际义务前提下,根据本国法律法规实施严格管理,遵循有助于接受国的正当自卫能力,不损害国际和地区和平与稳定,不干涉接受国内政等原则。”
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