独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-18 13:25

【路透社 20150318】中国探月工程将向社会资本开放

The Chinese government will open up its ambitious moon exploration program to private companies rather than simply relying on the state-owned sector as before, hoping to boost technological breakthroughs, a major newspaper said on Tuesday. 中国日报周二报道称,中国探月工程将向社会资本开放,期冀加速科技突破。
The next mission to the moon, to be carried out by the Chang'e 4 probe in the next two years or so, will serve as a platform "for technological research and development, product tests as well as data application" for private companies, the official China Daily said, citing a government statement.中国日报援引国家国防科技工业局的声明报道称,嫦娥四号将作为开发平台、验证平台、应用平台,向社会征集科学研究、空间应用和探索试验项目,并提供技术验证、产品搭载、数据应用和科学研究条件。
"The move will help break the monopoly in the space field, accelerate technological innovation, reduce the government's investment and improve efficiency," added the statement, released by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence, which oversees the space program.国家国防科技工业局的声明还指出,“这种新的探索对于打破航天工业壁垒、加速航天技术创新、有效降低工程成本、提高投资效益等具有积极作用和深远影响。”
The English-language newspaper cited an unnamed source as saying China should learn from the example of the United States, which has shown the "obvious" benefits of private enterprise getting involved.中国日报援引一位匿名消息人士称,中国应效仿美国。美国向社会资本开放航天工程,并取得了“显著”成效。
"The U.S. opened its space program to the private sector a long time ago, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has allowed private companies to conduct near-Earth manned missions. By contrast, our State-owned enterprises still hold a tight grip on the industry," the source said.该消息人士表示,美国很早之前就向社会资本开放航天工程,美国国家航空航天局已允许私人企业执行近地载人航天任务。相比之下,中国的国有企业仍然牢牢掌控着航天工业。
"Those private companies will invest to innovate. Their participation will reduce the government financial input. And more members of the public will get involved in our space exploration program."该消息人士还表示,这些私人企业将投入资本进行创新,他们的参与将减少政府的财政投入,而且将有更多公众参与国家的空间探索计划。
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