独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-18 13:27

【路透社 20150318】美国呼吁盟友在加入中国主导的亚投行时三思而行

The United States has urged countries to think twice before signing up to a new China-led Asian development bank that Washington sees as a rival to the World Bank, after Germany, France and Italy followed Britain in saying they would join.美国周二呼吁各国在加入中国主导的亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称亚投行,AIIB)时要三思而行。华盛顿将亚投行视为世界银行的竞争对手。之前德国、法国和意大利已经步英国后尘,表示将会加入亚投行。
The concerted move by U.S. allies to participate in Beijing's flagship economic outreach project is a diplomatic blow to the United States and its efforts to counter the fast-growing economic and diplomatic influence of China.这些国家身为美国盟友,却一致决定加入中国政府这个重大的经济势力拓展计划,无疑让美国在外交方面遭到打击,其遏制中国飞速上升的经济和外交影响力的努力也遭遇挫折。
Europe's participation reflects the eagerness to partner with China's economy, the world's second largest, and comes amid prickly trade negotiations between Brussels and Washington.欧洲的参与反映出他们迫切希望与经济迅速成长的中国结为伙伴。中国已经成为全球第二大经济体,且目前欧洲和美国之间的贸易谈判又颇不顺利。
European Union and Asian governments are frustrated that the U.S. Congress has held up a reform of voting rights in the International Monetary Fund that would give China and other emerging powers more say in global economic governance.同样让欧盟和亚洲各国政府感到沮丧的是,美国国会阻拦国际货币基金组织(IMF)的投票权改革,不愿让中国等新兴经济强国在国际经济治理中掌握更大的话语权。
Washington insists it has not actively discouraged countries from joining the new bank, but it has questioned whether the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will have sufficient standards of governance and environmental and social safeguards.华盛顿质疑新成立的亚投行在治理以及环境与社会保障方面能否遵循高标准。
"I hope before the final commitments are made anyone who lends their name to this organization will make sure that the governance is appropriate," Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told U.S. lawmakers.“我希望任何国家在最后承诺加入这一组织时,能够确保其有适当的治理方式,”美国财长杰克卢在国会表示。
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble announced at a joint news conference with visiting Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai that Germany, Europe's biggest economy and a major trade partner of Beijing, would be a founding member of the AIIB.德国财政部长朔伊布勒在中国国务院副总理马凯来访时,在一场联合记者会中宣布德国将是亚投行的创始成员之一。
In a joint statement, the foreign and finance ministers of Germany, France and Italy said they would work to ensure the new institution "follows the best standards and practices in terms of governance, safeguards, debt and procurement policies."在一项共同声明中,德国、法国、意大利的外交及财政官员则表示,他们将努力确保这个新机构“在治理、预防措施、债务及采购政策方面遵循最佳标准及准则。”
Luxembourg’s Finance Ministry also confirmed the country, a big financial center, has applied to be a founding member of the $50 billion AIIB.卢森堡财政部已证实,该国也将申请成为亚投行创始成员。
The World Bank is traditionally run by a U.S. nominee and Washington also has the most influence at the IMF. 世界银行传统上是由一位美国所提名的人士主导运作,美国在IMF也最具影响力。
The planned reforms at the IMF would double the fund's resources and hand more voting power to countries such as the BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The adjustment of shares and voting rights was brokered by Britain at a Group of 20 summit in 2010, and European countries ratified it long ago.2010年时,英国在一场20国集团(G20)峰会居中牵线,促成了IMF份额及表决权的改革方案,欧洲国家早在很久之前就批准了这项改革。那些改革将使IMF资源增加一倍,并给予巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国及南非等国更大的表决权。
Lew told lawmakers that the U.S. delay in ratifying the agreement was undermining its credibility and influence as countries question the United States' commitment to international institutions.杰克卢对国会议员说,美国迟迟不批准这项协议,已损及美国的信誉及影响力,因其他国家质疑美国对国际机构的承诺。
"It's not an accident that emerging economies are looking at other places because they are frustrated that, frankly, the United States has stalled a very mild and reasonable set of reforms in the IMF," Lew said.“新兴经济体寻求其他地方并非偶然,坦白说,他们对美国延宕一项对IMF非常温和又合理的改革感到心灰意冷。”杰克卢说。
China said earlier this year a total of 26 countries had been included as AIIB founder members, mostly from Asia and the Middle East. It plans to finalize the articles of agreement by the end of the year.中国在今年早些时候表示,已有26个国家成为该机构的创始成员,大多来自亚洲和中东。中国计划在年底前敲定协议条款。
China's state-owned Xinhua news agency said South Korea and Switzerland were also considering joining.中国国家媒体新华社称,韩国和瑞士也在考虑加入。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei would not comment on which countries had applied, and repeated that the bank would be "open, inclusive, transparent and responsible."中国外交部发言人洪磊对哪些国家已经提交申请不予置评,同时重申该行将是“开放、包容、透明和负责”的。
Washington says it sees a role for the AIIB given Asia's immense infrastructure needs and regards it as a potential partner for established institutions like the ADB.美国政府称,鉴于亚洲发展基础设施的巨大需求,认为亚投行将会发挥作用,并认为该行有望成为亚洲开发银行(ADB)等机构的合作伙伴。
But its strategy of questioning the AIIB's standards has drawn criticism from some observers, who say the administration should have been more accepting of the new bank or offered alternatives within existing institutions.不过美方质疑亚投行标准的策略遭到一些观察人士的批评,他们称美国政府应当更加接受亚投行,或者让现有机构提供替代选项。
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