独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-19 14:02

【路透社 20150318】日本2011年大海啸残骸仍在美国海岸附近漂滞

Debris from Japan's 2011 tsunami will continue to litter the North American coastline over the next three years, with everything from refrigerators to lumber and sports balls still floating offshore in the Pacific, an expert said on Tuesday.一名专家周二称,日本2011大地震和海啸后的残骸在未来三年里将陆续漂上美国北部海岸。这些仍然漂浮在太平洋的残骸无所不包,有冰箱、木头,还有运动球类。
About one million tons of debris was still lingering in the Pacific Ocean four years after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, the most powerful ever recorded in Japan, set off a series of massive tsunami waves that devastated a wide swathe of Honshu's Pacific coastline and killed nearly 20,000 people.日本2011大地震四年后,仍有约100万吨残骸漂滞在太平洋上。当年的9.0大地震引发海啸巨浪,摧毁本州岛太平洋沿岸广大地区,近两万人丧生。
The Oregon Sea Grant, a program at Oregon State University funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has been working with researchers at Japan's Tottori University to monitor tsunami debris.俄勒冈大学的俄勒冈海洋基金(Oregon Sea Grant)由美国国家海洋和大气管理局出资,正与日本鸟取大学的研究人员合作对海啸残骸进行监控。
An estimated five million tons of wreckage - everything from cars to building materials, boats and docks - washed into the Pacific, and about 70 percent sank quickly to the ocean floor, experts in the United States and Japan said.美国和日本专家称,海啸发生时估计有500万吨残骸冲入太平洋。汽车、建材、船只和船坞,各种残骸都有,其中约70%迅速沉入海底。
But items with buoyancy eventually caught the Pacific Ocean's currents and have since lodged as close as 25 miles (40 km) off the North American coast, covering an area from California to Alaska, said Sam Chan, an aquatic invasive species expert at Oregon Sea Grant.但俄勒冈海洋基金水生入侵生物专家Sam Chan称,有浮力的残骸最终卷入太平洋洋流,自此便徘徊于美国海岸附近,覆盖了从加州到阿拉斯加的广大区域,最近的残骸约离岸25英里(40公里)。
"When it comes into our Pacific shores in North America it (the debris) tends to stay offshore for months and sometimes a year," he said. It's not until we actually end up with local storm events or changes in the season that debris comes ashore."“海啸残骸飘向北美太平洋海岸时,通常会在海上滞留几个月,有时候是一年,”他说道。“只有当地发生风暴或者季节变化时,残骸才会漂上岸。”
Over the past year, warmer temperatures and a lack of major storms have kept most of the refuse from washing up on land, but wave patterns and other oceanic conditions were likely to send more items headed to West Coast beaches this summer, he said.过去一年里,气温较高,大的风暴较少,大部分海啸残骸因此没有被冲上岸,但今年夏天波浪和其他海洋条件很可能会将更多残骸送往美国西海岸海滩。
The Japanese team has sent out about 70 battery operated tracking devices that float at different heights to simulate different kinds of debris in order to understand where in the Pacific the refuse has clustered.日本团队已放出70个吃水高度各不相同的电池驱动追踪装置,模拟不同残骸的运行轨迹,以了解海啸残骸在太平洋中聚集的位置。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-19 14:37


強哥_e9Haz 发表于 2015-3-19 15:12

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