独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-19 14:03

【路透社 20150318】一桩iPhone失窃案引发的中美“兄弟情”

It was a rare, if bizarre, moment of tenderness in the otherwise tense US-China relationship: an American journalist embracing the Chinese man who had been using his stolen iPhone.这是一幅难得的温馨画面,甚至有些搞怪:一名美国Buzzfeed的记者与用过他被窃iPhone手机的中国大哥相拥而笑。
Matt Stopera and Li Hongjun met for the first time on Tuesday night at an airport in southern China, in the latest chapter of what some Chinese are calling an international "bromance".25岁的美国小伙马特(Matt Stopera)和中国梅州的李洪军周二晚终于在潮汕机场相见,这段爆红微博的“中美友谊”迎来了最新篇章。
In February, Stopera, a New York-based writer for website Buzzfeed, became famous in China for an article describing how photos from China began to appear on his phone's photo stream after his iPhone was stolen in New York.“千里相会”的起源是马特2月份的一篇帖子,写到他在纽约丢失iPhone之后,照片流里突然出现一个中国大哥的各种照片,有跟橘子树的合影,也有许多马特很难理解的照片。语言诙谐幽默,马特因此蹿红中国微博界。
Chinese netizens tracked the photos, and the stolen iPhone, to Li Hongjun, a 30-year-old restaurateur in Meizhou, a city in the southern province of Guangdong. Li and Stopera, who is 25, connected online and planned this week's meeting in Meizhou.中国的网民们开始追查照片,还有那部失窃的iPhone,最终找到了李洪军。李洪军今年30岁,是梅州市的一名餐馆老板。后来,李洪军和马特在网上联系上了,并计划了本周在梅州的现实见面。
Li, known online as Brother Orange after his selfies with tangerine trees showed up in Stopera's photo stream, said his nephew gave him the secondhand phone as a gift last October, but he had no idea where the phone came from.因与橘子树的标志性自拍照,李洪军被昵称为“橘子哥”,同样也成了微博红人,粉丝众多。他表示,那部二手iPhone是去年10月外甥送的礼物,他也不知道这手机哪来的。
Fittingly for a relationship developed over the Internet, the activities of Stopera and Li in Meizhou were exhaustively documented online.对“橘子哥”和马特之间相遇的种种经过,网上描述得可谓详尽无疑。
Stopera, whose month-old Weibo account has nearly 180,000 fans, posted pictures of himself eating Chinese porridge and pickled radish, planting a tree, and taking a selfie with Li and tangerine trees.在中国爆红之后,马特开了一个微博账号,一个月不到已有近18万粉丝。他微博里贴着各种自拍照片,有喝粥自拍,吃萝卜泡菜自拍,植树自拍,还有与“橘子哥”和橘子树的自拍合影。
Reached by telephone, Li said his life had not changed much since meeting Stopera.电话里,“橘子哥”表示,与马特有了交集之后,生活没啥太大变化。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-19 14:36

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