独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-20 13:45

【路透社 20150320】欧盟联手美国就中国新互联网安全法规施压

The European Union on Thursday sharply criticized China's new cyber security rules, joining a global effort to challenge measures that U.S. and EU companies say could force them out of the Chinese market.欧盟周四猛烈抨击中国最新的互联网安全法规,加入到全球对该法规发起挑战的行列,美国和欧盟企业称新法规可能迫使他们退出中国市场。
Calling them a "tremendous barrier" for foreign companies competing in the information technology sector, the European Commission said the rules proposed late last year went far beyond other security standards around the world.欧盟执委会称新法规对信息技术领域的外国公司是一个“巨大的壁垒”,同时表示这些在去年底提出的法规相对全球其他安全标准来说走得太远。
"China continues to consider that only Chinese-developed information security technology is regarded as 'safe', and applies a concept of 'national security' far beyond normal international practice," the Commission, the EU executive, said in its annual report on trade barriers.欧盟执委会在年度贸易壁垒报告中说,“中国仍认为只有国内研发的信息安全技术才是‘安全的’,他们的‘国家安全’概念远高于正常的国际做法。”
China's banking regulator has adopted new standards requiring tech products to be "secure and controllable" for use in the financial sector. Those that have not been developed in China must be registered with the government, putting at risk corporate secrets, secure emails and encrypted data.中国银行业监管机构已经采用新的标准,要求金融行业的科技产品“安全、可控”。而那些不是在中国研发的产品需要到政府那里注册,这将使公司机密、安全邮件以及加密数据面临风险。
The United States has led a global push to pressure Beijing to change course, the latest friction in a difficult trade relationship between the West and the world's no. 2 economy.以美国为首的其他国家向中国施压以促使中国做出改变,这是西方国家和中国之间本已艰难的贸易关系中出现的最新摩擦。
"The EU is concerned by the lack of transparency in the development of these measures and by the potential impact on EU companies," EU trade spokesman Daniel Rosario said.欧盟贸易发言人Daniel Rosario说:“欧盟对中国新法规的出台缺乏透明度以及法规对欧洲公司的潜在影响感到担忧。”
Japan is also concerned, while the EU has spoken to Chinese officials and brought up the issue at a special committee at the World Trade Organization.日本同样表示担忧,而欧盟已同中国官员进行接触,并将该问题提交世界贸易组织(WTO)的一个特别委员会。
In response to the U.S.-led push, China's foreign ministry said this week that "China's Internet development must also respect China's own laws and rules."作为对外界施压的反应,中国外交部在本周表示:“中国的互联网发展也要遵守中国自己的法律法规。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-20 23:35

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