独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-21 13:16


China will lend Venezuela around $10 billion in coming months, half as part of a two-way financing deal and the rest to develop oil fields, a senior official at state oil company PDVSA said on Thursday.据委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)一名高管周四表示,中国将在未来几个月向委内瑞拉提供约100亿美元贷款,其中一半是双边融资协定的一部分,另一半则是为了油田开发。
Fresh funds are a boon for financially squeezed Venezuela and are likely to increase market confidence over the OPEC nation's ability to meet major debt payments and arbitration awards. Venezuelan bonds rose following the news.中国的贷款将缓解委内瑞拉财政吃紧状况,并可能增强市场对该国将有能力偿还大部分债务及履行仲裁裁决的信心。消息公布之后,委内瑞拉公债周四走高。委内瑞拉是石油输出国组织(OPEC)成员国。
However, relief may be tempered as the loans appear largely earmarked and will only go so far in countering a steep tumble in oil prices and Venezuela's severe recession.但缓解作用不会太大,因为贷款总体上似乎是有指定用途的。目前看来,贷款将仅用作对抗油价深度挫跌以及委内瑞拉国内严重的衰退。
The first $5-billion loan, a renewal of the long-standing Joint Chinese-Venezuelan Fund, will be destined for wide-ranging projects, the official said. With a five-year payment term instead of the usual three, the loan will be signed this month and deposited in Venezuela's international reserves in April.这名高管表示,作为中委联合基金的延续,首批50亿美元贷款将用于多种项目。这次的还款期限是五年,而不是像以往的三年。贷款将于本月签订,4月存入委内瑞拉国际储备账户。
The other "special" $5 billion loan is likely to stipulate hiring Chinese companies to boost production in PDVSA's mature oil fields, the source said. That 10-year loan will be signed in June, taken out by Venezuelan state development bank Bandes, and invested in 2015.该消息人士称,另一笔50亿美元的“特别”贷款可能会规定,要聘用中资企业提高PDVSA成熟油田的产量。该10年期贷款将于6月签订,由委内瑞拉国有的经济社会发展银行(Bandes)接收,2015年投资。
"China wants to decisively back investments in areas like mature oil fields so that PDVSA can rapidly increase its production," said the source, who asked not to be identified.“中国要坚决支持成熟油田等领域的投资,从而使PDVSA迅速提高产量,”这名要求匿名的消息人士表示。

hanhhhh2010 发表于 2015-3-21 14:31

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