独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-21 13:17

【路透社 20150320】日本内部分歧 对于加入亚投行举棋不定

Japan is split over joining a China-led development bank, concerned about missing out on the rapidly coalescing global movement for the institution while also worried about alienating ally United States and helping bolster rival China, officials said.日本对于是否加入中国牵头创建的亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)举棋不定,官员们称,一方面担心错失机会,另一方面又顾虑会疏远了盟友美国而帮助支持了竞争对手中国。
Finance Minister Taro Aso signaled for the first time on Friday that Tokyo could be part of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) if it can guarantee a credible mechanism for providing loans.日本财务大臣麻生太郎周五首次表示,如果能保证具备提供贷款的可靠机制,日本可能考虑加入亚投行。
But other top officials took a more skeptical stance, reflecting a split in the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over whether the AIIB would help or hinder Japan's interests.而其他官员则持怀疑立场,折射出首相安倍晋三政府内部,对于亚投行究竟是有利于还是妨害了日本利益存在分歧。
"We have a cautious position about participation," said top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga.“我们对于加入亚投行持谨慎立场,”日本内阁官房长官菅义伟表示。
Around 30 countries, including Britain and Germany, have decided to participate in Beijing's flagship economic outreach project, but Washington, Japan's main ally, has urged countries to think twice before joining, citing worries about governance and environmental safeguards.包括德国和英国在内的大约30个国家已经决定加入亚投行,但日本的主要盟友--美国则敦促各国在加入前三思,质疑新成立的亚投行在治理以及环境与社会保障方面能否遵循高标准。
"Views are split within the Japanese government on whether to join the AIIB," said a person with close knowledge of Japan's financial policy-making.“日本政府内部对于是否加入亚投行存在分歧,”一位了解日本金融决策的人士称。
The result of the standoff within the government, said a senior official in the ruling coalition, is that Japan's participation "is not going to happen under the Abe administration."日本执政党的一名高官称,政府内部僵持的结果就是,“在安倍执政时期不会加入。”
Japan is hesitant to join out of concern over China-led lending practices, over its relations with Washington and over the AIIB's potential rivalry with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Manila-based multilateral institution dominated by Japan and the United States, officials said.多位官员指出,日本之所以对于加入亚投行有所迟疑,是因为担心中国所主导的放贷行为,同时也考量到其与美国当局的关系,以及亚投行与亚洲开发银行(ADB)可能产生的竞争关系。亚洲开发银行总部设在马尼拉,由日本及美国主导。
By custom, the ADB is headed by a former senior official from the Bank of Japan or the country's finance ministry.依照惯例,亚洲开发银行的领导人大多是日本央行或是财务省的前高阶官员。
But the source familiar with Japan's policy-making said Tokyo should get involved to help ensure best practices and to avoid being left out. "Now it has become awkward as Europe joins but the U.S. and Japan stay out."但熟知日本政策制定的消息人士称,东京当局应该介入参与,以确保达成最佳的放贷举措,并避免被边缘化。“随着欧洲加入、而美国和日本置身事外,形势看来有些尴尬。”
Finance Minister Aso told a news conference that the AIIB needs to have its board of directors screen and approve individual cases in deciding provision of loans.日本财务大臣麻生太郎在一场记者会上表示,在决定是否提供贷款时,亚投行应该让董事会负责检查和审批。
"We have been asking to ensure debt sustainability, taking into account its impact on environment and society," he said after a cabinet meeting.“我们一直要求确保债务可持续性,并考虑其对环境和社会的影响,”他在内阁会议后向记者称。
"We could (consider joining) if these issues are guaranteed. We'll give it careful consideration from diplomatic and economics viewpoints."“如果这些问题都能得到保证,我们可能会(考虑加入)。我们将从外交和经济角度认真地考虑这个问题。”
Suga, the chief cabinet secretary, interpreted Aso's comments to mean that "unless such issues are resolved, participation would be impossible."日本内阁官房长官菅义伟将麻生太郎的评论解读为,“除非这类问题获得解决,否则不可能加入。

hanhhhh2010 发表于 2015-3-21 14:33

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