独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-22 11:50

【路透社 20150320】如果“一切照旧” 未来15年地球将缺水

The planet faces a 40 percent shortfall in water supplies in 15 years due to urbanization, population growth and increasing demand for water for food production, energy and industry, the United Nations said on Friday. 联合国周五称,由于城镇化、人口增长和粮食生产、能源与工业用水需求增加,地球未来15年将面临40%的水资源短缺。
Competition for water between water-thirsty sectors means better management is essential to ensure everybody gets the water they need, said the World Water Development Report.《世界水资源发展报告》(World Water Development Report)称,缺水行业间的竞争意味着,更好的管理至关重要,以确保每个人获得所需的水资源。
With "business as usual" the world is facing a "collapse in our global socioeconomic system," Richard Connor, lead author of the report, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.报告主笔Richard Connor对汤森路透基金会说道,如果“一切照旧”,世界将面临“全球社会经济体系崩溃”的风险。
By 2050 two thirds of the world's population will be living in cities and demand for water is expected to increase by 55 percent, mainly from demands related to growing urbanization in developing countries.到2050年,世界三分之二的人口将生活在城市里,水资源需求料增加55%,主要源于发展中国家城镇化进程相关的需求。
Urbanization means that access to safe water and adequate sanitation, although typically higher in cities, has decreased in the fastest growing urban areas.城镇化意味着在增速最快的城市地区,更难获得安全的水资源和充分的卫生设施,尽管在城市中这方面往往会好一些。
"The spontaneous urbanization, which creates slums, makes it very difficult because of the layout of the slums to provide water," Joan Clos, executive director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a phone interview from Nairobi.“自发的城镇化创造出贫民窟,贫民窟的布局导致供水非常困难,”联合国人居署执行主任Joan Clos在内罗毕接受汤森路透基金会电话采访时说道。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-3-22 12:32

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