独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-22 11:51

【路透社 20150320】日本央行总裁否认出现全球“货币战争”迹象

Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda on Friday dismissed views that the massive monetary stimulus programmes deployed by advanced economies were triggering a "currency war" of competitive exchange-rate devaluations.针对外界认为发达经济体大规模货币刺激计划正在引发一场汇率竞贬“货币战争”的看法,日本央行总裁黑田东彦周五予以驳斥。
Central banks across the globe, including others in Asia like South Korea and India, have joined the ranks of Japan and the euro-zone in loosening monetary policies to spur sluggish growth.全球许多国家央行,包括亚洲的韩国和印度在内,均加入了日本和欧元区的行列,通过宽松货币政策来刺激经济增长。
Kuroda said he did not see any sign of tension brewing between advanced and emerging economies on currency moves, shrugging off the view that countries are rushing to devalue their currencies to give their exports a competitive advantage.黑田东彦称,他没有看到发达国家和新兴市场国家在货币波动问题上出现紧张关系的迹象,他不认为各国是在急于拉低本国货币,好为出口提供竞争优势。
"I really don't see any sort of currency war developing in the world now," Kuroda told a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo.“我确实没有看到目前全球出现任何形式的货币战争,”黑田东彦在东京的外国记者俱乐部举行的记者会上称。
"The monetary policy actions by the Federal Reserve, the BOJ and the European Central Bank have been made to achieve their price stability targets, not to depreciate their currencies," he said.“美联储、日本央行和欧洲央行采取的货币政策措施是为了达成物价稳定目标,不是为了贬值货币,”他说。
While central banks do not publicly admit it, loosening monetary policy, as the BOJ and ECB have done, has weakened their currencies, providing the key transmission channel for spurring growth.虽然各国央行没有公开承认,但正如日本央行和欧洲央行所为,放宽货币政策的作法,已削弱了它们的本币,成为刺激经济成长的主要传导途径。
The BOJ drew heat from some of Japan's trade competitors after the adoption of its "quantitative and qualitative easing" (QQE) in 2013 drove down the yen.日本于2013年采行质化量化的宽松政策而推低日圆后,引起一些贸易竞争对手国家抨击。
The euro hit a 12-year low against the dollar this week after the ECB joined the ranks in adopting quantitative easing.在欧洲央行加入量化宽松大军后,欧元兑美元本周创下12年低点。
With the Fed eyeing an interest rate hike this year, the diverging policies of advanced central banks have added to headaches for emerging economies by creating unpredictable cross currents in global markets.随着美联储准备要在今年升息,发达国家央行货币政策之间的走向分化,在全球金融市场形成不可预测的暗潮汹涌,令新兴经济体更感头疼。
Kuroda said central banks, including the BOJ, can learn much from the Fed as it exits its unconventional monetary policy.黑田东彦表示,随着美联储退出非常规货币政策,包括日本央行在内的众多央行,都可以从中学习甚多。
But he stressed that the BOJ will maintain its huge stimulus and even expand it further on any signs of change in a broad uptrend in prices.不过他强调道,日本央行将维持庞大的刺激措施,若物价整体上行的趋势出现任何变动迹象,甚至会进一步扩大措施。
"We haven't completely eradicated the deflationary mindset," Kuroda said. "We have enough tools to combat deflation and achieve our price target," he added.“我们还没有完全消除通缩心态,”黑田东彦说。“我们有足够多的工具对抗通缩和实现物价目标。”
Kuroda countered criticism that the BOJ's stimulus programme was not working, arguing that consumer prices rose for 20 months in a row, the longest running streak since 1998.有人批评日本央行的刺激计划没有作用,黑田对此反驳道,消费者物价连续上涨了20个月,为1998年以来的最长连涨之势。
Base pay rose last year for the first time in about 20 years, he added, voicing hope that companies will keep raising wages to encourage consumers to spend more rather than save.黑田还补充称,基本工资去年上涨,为约20年来首次,他表示希望企业能继续涨薪,以鼓励消费者提高支出,而不是把钱存起来。
The BOJ adopted in April 2013, and expanded in October last year, QQE to accelerate inflation to 2 percent in a country that has been mired in deflation for the past decade-and-a-half.日本央行2013年4月正式采用质化和量化宽松(QQE)措施,去年10月又扩大了QQE规模,以推动日本通胀率升向2%。日本深陷通缩已有15年之久。
But core consumer inflation slowed to 0.2 percent in January due largely to the pressure from falling oil prices, keeping alive market expectations of further monetary easing.但核心消费者通胀率1月放缓至0.2%,主要因为油价下跌带来压力,使得市场持续预期央行将进一步放宽货币政策。
Kuroda reiterated that markets should not expect the BOJ to ease again if the underlying slowdown in inflation was driven largely by lower energy costs.黑田东彦重申,如果基础通胀放缓主要受能源价格下跌推动,市场就不应期待日本央行再次宽松政策。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-3-22 12:30

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